"Is this anything that should worry us right now? I mean the threat that has been send is well enough to know that some rougues will be attacking us soon, but do we need to worry about Joe now?" Arina asked Grandpa.

"I think we should start trainings and be prepared for any possible attacks in future. I have doubled the security on our territory till then. I will try to track Joe as soon as possible, just in case if anything to worry."

We all noded and left the room.

I excused myself and went to my room. It's getting late, i felt hungry and exhausted by today's flashback memories.

"I thought you are hungry." Bryan entered in my room holding two plates of delicious pasta. My stomach grumbled with it's aroma.

"I am definitely hungry.". He smiled and kissed me before placing the plates on bed. We ate in silence, neither of us spoke anything during our dinner.

"I am sorry." he spoke after eating the last spoom of pasta.

"What for?" i tried to show some silent annoyance. I was mad at him. He was almost lost today. No call, no meeting nothing.

"I am sorry for not giving time to you. I was busy in some work with Demon. We had some unfinished business and he just got back from his visit and left to reach here."

"It's okay. I can understand."

"So, it seems you needed me today. Are you still thinking about the dream you had?"

"Yes, it was on my mind."

I told him about the dream, he listened to it thinking about it.

"That must be my dad then!"

I looked up at him considering what he said.

"Yes..you said your father was there in that fight. Now, i get why he looked so familiar, it's because of you, you look a lot like your dad."

He smiled and nodded.

"I thought maybe i could find him in some old family pictures here. That's why i was searching him in the pictures which grandpa showed me, but instead of him i got to know about Uncle Joe."

"It's alright. We will find about him too."

"I hope so." i said.


"Good Morning." I woke up at the sound of Bryan. I was still in his arms in my bed.

"Good Morning." i gave him a small peck and got up.

"So, what are we doing today?"

"Didn't someone mention training?"

"Ohh..ofcourse. So, who is my mentor today?"

"Well, Demon thought he will help you."

"That's great. I don't want you there as a distraction."

"Who said, i will not be there?"

I gave him a wry look.

"What? You can't let me stay away and see how my brother beats your ass.  Ofcourse i will be there watching you. "

"Jeez fine. Stop being so over possesive."

Now, he gave me a no nonsense look.

"Okay..okay, i get it. Stop looking at me like that, will you?"

He laughed and got up.


Demon was waiting for us in the training room. Arina was also there.


"Hi.. so we all are practising today?" i asked.

"I thought it would be better to fight in pairs and groups." Demon said.

I nodded as he started my basic training as he did when i was at the pack house.

We trained and fought in pairs, but soon Demon surprised me by telling that i have to fight them all alone. I already knew, Demon and Bryan were the strongest, to fight with them won't be easy.

"Don't think about us as your friends. Think as we are enemies." Arina said and before i could reply, Demon flipped me over and threw me to a wall. It took me by surprise but i knew i was strong enough now to prove them. I got up instantly and charged towards Demon with full speed. He dodged my efforts easily, but i went towards Arina which caught his attention and reversed back punching him straight on the cheek. Bryan came towards me and flipped me over his back almost throwing me to the ground, i noticed the tingling sensation while we touched,  but he wanted me to keep attention. I missed hitting the floor as i turned before landing and surprised him by snatching his leg from the floor, he fell hard, but turned and grasped me. He holded me and kissed, murmering " Nice move" in my ears. I kicked his stomach and went towards, Arina. She was smiling at me as she charged towards me, i dodged it and flipped her over on the floor. I saw Demon coming towards me and before i could do anything he punched my face. Bryan let out a frustrating goal, when he saw me on the floor, ignoring the pain i got up and threw myself with full force to Demon. He was surprised as his attention was towards Arina. Bryan picked me up suddenly and throwed me on the floor far away. I hit hard on the floor, but looked up and saw, now Demon was charging at Bryan. I got up and ran towards him. I got in between them panicked at Demon's half in the air punch and shouted "Stop!!"

I gasped as my voice echoed throughout the room multiple times and Demon was stuck in his position. I watched him, but he didn't move. His punch half in the air was still like that. His eyes without any life. He was stuck like really stuck. I looked at Bryan who was surprised as well.  He looked at me and then Demon. Arina on the other side was looking at me panicked.

"What. Did. You. Do?" Arina asked looking at me.

"I don't know." i shrugged.

"Demon are you okay?" I asked looking at him.

"This is not a joke!" i half laughed looking at him, But, nothing came from him.

"Elena.." Arina whispered looking at Demon. Panick flooded her eyes.

"I don't know what happened."

"Demon..Comeon. Get out of whatever this is.." i touched him and noticed a jolt went through me, but also noticed he moved his eyes.

I am feeling odd, just when that jolt went thrugh me, i felt like something happened inside.

"Are you okay?" Bryan asked.

He was looking at me with those eyes, which looked pleading. He couldn't move otherwise.

"Elena, i think you must touch him again, he moved his eyes when you touched him." Arina said pleading.

I nodded and touched him again and gasped but holded his hand for as long as it went, a jolt more stronger than the previous one went through my body and started spreading inside me but i lost my strength, i don't know what happened but everything went black before me.

The Girl in WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now