- sixteen -

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.:: chapter sixteen - trouble ::.


Tyler groaned and threw a pillow over his head as his phone continued to obnoxiously ring. Glancing over at the time, he saw it was four in the morning. Who would be calling him at four in the morning? And why?

"Suga make it stop." The brunet whined at the Australian puppy who was resting his head on Tyler's chest, his ears throwing back every time a ring sounded out.

Growing tired of the constant ringing Tyler used one hand to reach over, grabbing his phone and using the other to softly scratch behind the ears of the puppy.

"Hello?" He tiredly said, a sigh leaving his lips as his hand dragged over his face, snagging his lower lip and dragging it down as he went.

"so ugh, I may have been arrested." The familiar voice of no other but Joshua William Dun said over the phone.

This caused Tyler to sit up from where he was laying down. His hand left his face and traveled up to his hair, pulling lightly at the wavy strands of hair that had been settled in all different directions from constant movement in his sleep.

"What the fuck do you mean you may have been arrested? Where the hell are you?" The brunet asked with a shout, Suga jumping from the sudden noise and moving to place his head underneath the pillow Tyler was recently resting on.

"I got caught fighting some asshole at a bar, and then got caught for illegal drinking since I had like one beer. I'm currently in a holding cell... can you come get me?" Josh finished with a question.

A groan left Tyler's lips and he pouted for a brief moment. "Joshua, why do you have to be so stupid." He whined.

"If you keep making noises like that I may have to be careful with the other dudes across my cell." Josh smirked, attempting to lighten the mood. The brunet rolled his eyes and stood up out of his bed.

"Shut up, I'll be there in a few minutes. Don't do anything stupid." Tyler softly said, his tone turning some what motherly and caring.

The two hung up the phones and the feminine boy made his way to get dressed. Sure Joshua's been kept in holding cells before for minor crimes such as public disturbance when he decided to place a drum kit in the road and play it at three in the morning, vandalizing public property, he got caught drawing graffiti with Frank on the side of a bridge, and fighting before. Tyler was afraid that one day he'd make the same mistake but he wouldn't get out of his cell so easily. Luckily both boys came from a family with money, it was pretty much needed with a son like Josh since bail money wasn't always the cheapest.

"Be good." Tyler whispered to his dog, grabbing his wallet and car keys after slipping on a pair of joggers.

Leaving his home he made his way down to where Joshua was being held. The things he did for this boy.


As soon as Tyler arrived at the police station he walked straight up to the desk seeing the usual lady who sat behind it. "Oh Tyler, here to pick up Josh again?" She asked with a chuckle as she pushed back her long dark hair behind her shoulder.

"Yes ma'am." He responded, smiling at the woman who's name was Marina. She hummed in response as she filled some paperwork that would be needed to sign Josh's release paperwork. Marina had known the two high schoolers from their constant visits back and fourth.

Not that one of them was continuously getting arrested every day, it was just that Josh was often checked up on by a probation officer to keep him out of trouble, and he also was frequently visiting the police station to keep good ties with everyone in case he ever was to be arrested in the future.

"I'm pretty sure you know the drill already, if you want he's in the closest holding cell to the door down the hallway. He's separated from the others since last time that happened, a fight almost broke out." Marina said, standing up from behind the desk and walking him over down the hallways to show exactly where Joshua was. "Now you'll know where he's at from here on out."

Tyler smiled and walked down the hallway alone since Marina had to get back to the front desk. It was pretty empty being that it was late, or early, but a few cops patrolled the area. As soon as the brunet reached the holding cell Joshua was in, he waved.

"Hey baby boy." Josh winked from where he was leaning against the wall on the uncomfortable bed. Tyler crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, shivering from the cold air circulating throughout the building. He was in his silk dress pajamas with a pair of skinny joggers on his legs. His outfit looked horrid, but he wasn't going to get dressed up just to go pick up Joshua from the station.

"Mind explaining what exactly happened to get you in here for the one hundredth time?" The brunet asked as he leaned against the back wall, his arms crossed over one another's but a humored smile was on his face. "And I hope that you know that you're undeniably idiotic for this." Tyler added on, earning a playful roll of the eyes from the blonde who was behind bars.

"So what happened was, I went to the bar because I wanted to simply get drunk and forget my problems, meaning I wanted to forget the fact that I hurt you... anyways this dude who's absolutely hammered just started throwing homophobic slurs at me, I don't even know how he just automatically assumed I wasn't straight... but I told him that I was bisexual and then he said that wasn't a real thing blah blah blah I punched him in the face, he fought back, I broke his nose. Cops came to the scene, I got in trouble for underage drinking and causing havoc in a public place." Joshua lazily explained, not bothering to go more in depth because he's already had to tell the story to a bunch of cops and Marina.

After a while of repeating yourself, it starts to grow annoying.

"Well I give it to you for fighting the guy for what he was saying. I don't understand how people are so close minded, like when it comes to girls being in a girl girl relationship, it's fine... but when it's two boys it's like Satan has came down to take over the earth." Tyler laughed, walking closer to the bars so he could be closer to the blond in the holding cell.

"True, but honestly I don't give a shit, I love myself and my sexuality. No close minded asshole is going to take that away from me." Joshua shrugged and Tyler giggled happily as he stuck his hand through the metal bars to reach for Joshua.

"That's one thing I love about you." He whispered, a delicate smile making its way upon his face.

"Well I love a lot of things about you so." Josh chuckled while Tyler rolled his eyes.

"Oh hey Tyler, Joshua you're free to go. You are going to be fined for underage drinking, but as for the fighting we just put it down as self defense. We aren't allowed to really do this Josh, but we know you're a good kid so we're letting it slide, but if I catch you in here for underage drinking again, I will suspend your license for a year, got it?" Officer Carlile said as he unlocked the holding cell, letting out the blond teenager who instantly wrapped his arms around the tops of Tyler's shoulder.

"You got it boss. Now can we go to your house? I don't want to go home alone really." Josh asked.

"Sure, but no funny business... and I mean that." Tyler giggled, pressing a kiss to Joshua's cheek.


i honestly didn't plan for josh to get arrested, especially 'cause i don't know what happens when you're kept in holding cells, but i thought it might be interesting.

thus this chapter was born.

|-/ shay xx

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