- fifteen -

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.:: chapter fifteen - friends ::.


Tyler sat at the office desk, a lollipop between his teeth and glasses over his brown eyes as he read over some paperwork that had to be distributed to different classrooms. The brunet loved having a class period dedicated to working the front office because it was simply easy. His legs were crossed over one another as his tennis skirt sat comfortably on his legs, and the pastel colored sweater slightly fell down his shoulder.

The bell above the door rang as someone walked in. Pulling the treat out from between his lips, Tyler looked up to get a look at whoever walked through.

"Oh, hello!" The brunet smiled as he spotted the tall lanky boy with brown styled hair, and blue eyes. "You need anything?" Tyler asked, the taller boy blushed slightly and walked closer to the desk.

"D-do you n-need any help?" He asked nervously which caused Tyler to coo internally.

"Actually, if you could give these to Mr. Fuentes that would be great!" He smiled as he handed over a small stack of pink colored papers.

"Which one?" Dallon asked while looking at the teachers room number that had been written on the yellow sticky note.

"Not the music teacher, the one that was previously Mr. Quinn. I don't remember what he teaches, probably English." Tyler shrugged with a small laugh which caused the other boy to smile bashfully.

"You got it." He said shyly before walking out of the room. Leaving Tyler to go back to sorting out the papers.

He stuck the lollipop back into his mouth, and turned to face the door as he heard a knock. A grinning Josh stepped through the door and smirked at the brunet who was sucking on a lollipop.

"Look at you, all in control. It's hot." The blond smirked, Tyler giggled but rolled his eyes.

After they had made up, Tyler had tried to work more on their friendship instead of their sexual one, which meant they haven't had sex in awhile, and that was mainly because the brunet was afraid Joshua would use his body for whatever he wanted and then leave. Tyler didn't want that again.

"Shut up Joshua, now what do you want?" Tyler asked with a small smile, he took off his glasses and sat them down on the desk before getting up and walking over to the door.

"Mrs. Oriko, can you send more senders to help me with these papers?" He asked the red headed woman who was sitting at the main desk.

"Of course sweetie." She shouted back to the brunet who had started to walk back to the desk he was sitting at.

"Just wanted to visit my favorite boy in action, is there a problem with that?" He asked with a wink, his flirtatious self coming back with full force.

Tyler nodded. "There is, Joshua I told you I just want to be friends. As of right now, I still don't trust you, and instead of flirting with me, you should be working on my trust. I still love you and you are still my best friend, but that's all you are to me right now." The brunet sadly sighed, leaning up to kiss the boys pale cheek before getting back down onto the soles of his sneaker covered feet.

Being too caught up in each other, they missed the sad look that appeared on the tall brown haired boys face. All he saw was Tyler kiss Josh's cheek, and instantly he knew he had no chance. What's a beautiful boy like Tyler Joseph, going to do with a bashful shy nerdy boy like Dallon. Knocking on the door slightly, the boy smiled at Tyler.

"Hello again, Mrs. Oriko sent you I'm guessing?" The brunet asked.

"Yes! She sent me, and four others to come help, which they should be here at any moment." Dallon explained, and soon enough three girls and one more boy walked through the door. Josh pulled the one guy into a manly hug and patted his back.

Tyler rolled his eyes earning a small laugh from Dallon, and grinned at that.

"Just pick a pile you want and the names of teachers are written at the top." He said and everyone made a move to grab at a stack, even Tyler.


The small brunet was met by an over excited Australian shepherd puppy jumping on his legs. "Hi baby!" Tyler squeaked, setting his new peach colored floral book-bag down onto the ground so he could lean down to pet at the soft fur.

Twirling around out of happiness the pup let out excited barks causing Tyler to laugh.

"You're just super excited to see me aren't you suga?" Tyler asked the pup who let out a loud bark.

The brunet started to walk to the kitchen to get a small snack and a drink, something he usually did after he got home from school. His skirt swished around him as he moved from place to place, bouncing around the kitchen as he cut up fresh fruit. Smiling down at the pup, Tyler grabbed a small piece of cut up apples and tossed the treat into the dogs mouth, giggling when he caught it. The brunet grimaced as he saw a group of bananas and pushed them away while mouthing the word no.

Angela saw and laughed at her son, walking over to pick a fresh banana, peeling it open and taking a nice bite out of it. "Mm, so delicious." She over exaggerated, sticking her tongue out to show Tyler the mushy fruit resting on the flat of her tongue.

"That's disgusting." He said, his face scrunching up in pure distaste as he looked at the woman tormenting him.

"That's not what your father said." She chuckled evilly.

"That's fucking gross, ew, please leave and don't ever come back." Tyler said, shoving his laughing mother out of the kitchen. Suga watched with his tongue hanging out as he barked from all of the movement happening inside the kitchen. "And you laugh like a hyena!" Tyler shouted as his mom walked down the hall, still eating the banana.

"Oh shut up Tyler, you know you love it." He heard his mom shout back causing a giggle to erupt from his lips.

He looked back down at the pup who was waiting for Tyler to give him some food, which Tyler really couldn't deny after he saw the bright blue puppy dog eyes being shown at him. So throwing a few more slices of apples into the dogs mouth, Tyler finished up making his fruit salad by adding whip cream on top and a vanilla flavored pound cake.

"Wow, something that could've been so healthy completely ruined." Tyler laughs to himself as he eyes the healthy fruit now smothered with sugary treats.

He walks over to the living room and prepares to watch random programs on the television. Maybe he'd watch some celebrity gossip, but then again, he hated celebrity gossip since it was so hard to decipher what was real and what was make believe.

Maybe he'd just watch a movie.

Taking a bit out of the snack he prepared himself, he made a noise in content at the taste. He loved fruit salad. Suga looked at him from where he was sitting on the floor, his tail wagging slowly as he watched Tyler find a movie on amazon. Eventually he just went with an old classic, the breakfast club, and sat back to watch the movie that he loved as a growing child.

Laughing every time he'd put whip cream on suga's nose to watch him constantly try and lick at it.


looks like i am back lovelies ! oh by the way, i named the pup suga cause it's a cute name and also because that's the nickname of min yoongi... one of the cutest little beans ever.

i hope this chapter didn't suck, and i hope we can get back up and running again !

|-/ shay xx

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