14. All for the show...

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Jesslyn's POV.

I look around back at the toilets, Jackson was still in there with Miss Flash. I turn back to face him him. He was at a table of four. Would his guests mind? I'll just sit there quietly with them. I mean, there was one more chai- Oh my gosh! I quickly look away when the lady at his table looks at him to me, trying to look casual.

I look back discreetly, so the women wouldn't see me looking, to see her talking with him. He nods, standing up. Okay, look away Jesslyn. Act casual. Act casual, yeah. Just wait for Jackson maybe. You don't want to intrude on their dinner. Yes, I'll sit here and wait for Jackson to come back before I crack it at him. Yes, that's exact-

"Hey." I look up, at him, as he pulls Jackson's seat and sits in it. 

"Oh, hey." I awkwardly greet him, smiling slightly. 

"So, where's Jackson?" He asks me, looking around for Jackson.

"You won't find him."I tell him bitterly. "He went off with Miss Flash into the bathrooms."

"Miss Flash?" He asks me, confused.

"Oh, right. Ah... the waitress. She was a little on the slutty side. Actually you know what? I take that back, she was definitely on the slutty side. She pretty much flashed us with her fake ass boobs and comes back with no bra on, flashing us more. So she's known as 'Miss Flash' now." I tell him.

"Ahaha, Miss Flash? You do amuse me Jessl- Wait, he actually ditched you?" He asks me. I meekly nod, pissed off at the fact that Jackson did in fact leave me here.

"That son of a bitch." He mutters under his breath. "Come sit with me." 

"What? Yes plea- I mean, what about... your..." I awkwardly trail on, not knowing who the other two guest were to him.

"My mother and father." He clarifies. 

"Oh, really? She's really pretty." I tell him, smiling. He smiles back, nodding. "But anyway, I don't want to intrude on your dinner. I mean they pro-"

"My mum asked me to bring you over, because she saw Jackson leave." He cuts me off. "She knows how... he can be. She's like a second mother to her. And I'll be honest; she fucking loves him like she loves me, her own son. But she wants to slap some sense into him about what he does to girls."

"Oh." Was all I could say. "If you're sure."

"C'mon." He tells me, standing up and offering me a hand, with I accept. I grab my phone and bag, before walking with him.

"Mum, Dad, this is Jesslyn. Jesslyn, this is my Mum and Dad." He introduces us. I smile at his parents.

"Hello, Mr and Mr Montillo." I smile, sitting down awkwardly. 

"Call me Meryl. And this is Mark, dear." Mrs Mo- Meryl tells me smiling. "Gosh, you're quite beautiful!"

"Oh, um thank you. You yourself are too! I can't believe you're old enough to have a son who's my age yet look so young!" I tell her honestly, blushing.

"Oh nonsense! Hunter, this girl is way too polite and sweet to be one of Jackson's new toys'" She mutters to him. 

"Oh no, we're not... he's not.. I don't like him like that.. Um... He actually brought me here, because he wanted to make it up to me after he pulled a nasty prank on me. It's not a date!" I quickly tell her, my cheeks red from embarrassment.

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