My first date

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10am I woke to a the buzzing of my alarm and a few messages on my phone. Grabbing the phone from my bedside table, I looked at the first which was from mum asking me how my first day went. The second was from dad, saying that he missed me and that I had left some random socks, a pair of jeans and some converse at the bottom of my old cupboard. However the third was the one I was most interested in. Upon the first day of Uni, me and Lenny had exchanged numbers and he was asking me if I would like to accompany him to a dance show at the local theatre and grab some dinner afterwards. Excited, I rushed into Rebecca's room where she and Leanne where looking at textbooks with mugs of tea in hand. "Omg it is totally a date!" Screamed Leanne after I had told them the news. "What are you going to wear? How are you going to do your hair?" Asked an equally excited Rebecca. Lenny had said that he would pick me up at 12 as the show was to start at 1pm.

11am After having a shower and getting in a little bit of extra studying, me, Leanne and Rebecca sit on my bed pondering my clothing options. In the end, we decide on a maroon top with black skinny jeans one of Rebecca's long black cardigans and a borrowed pair of Leanne's burgundy high heels. Then they sit me down at the dressing table and apply some foundation, burgundy and gold eyeshadow, contour, highlight, fill in my eyebrows, eyeliner and a purple lipstick to my freshly cleaned face. Next for my hair, they both take a side and put it in French plaits.

12pm Lenny rings me to say he is outside so I grab my bag, coat, keys, purse and hug the girls goodbye. I jump into Lenny's convertible; he looks so cool but so relaxed in some blue jeans and a white hype t shirt. As we drive to the theatre, we discuss our common interests such as dance and music and I also learn that he is passionate for art. I talk about my family and he says how he has two younger sisters.

12:45pm We arrive in time to take our seats and grab some snacks before the dance show starts. Casually he puts his arm around me and whispers in my ear "You look beautiful by the way." I blush with embarrassment but I don't shrug his arm off, there is something about his muscular arm around my shoulders which makes me feel protected almost. As the show starts we watch amazing performers recreate majestic scenes from Swan Lake and even a few comical ones like a parody of an avengers film. Definitely an ideal first date.

3pm I leave the theatre feeling happier than ever. The show was simply fantastic and now Lenny says that he is taking me to a cliff side restaurant. We drive along the coast's narrow roads, the roof down, the sun shining, music turned up. Everything seems just perfect. Arriving at the restaurant we are seated at a lovely table overlooking most of Brighton and far out onto the horizon. The town's houses all lined up in neat rows surrounded by luscious green mountains and in the distance, a red and white striped lighthouse. We both order burgers and chips and discuss our lessons tomorrow, old schools and friends and I find myself having a great time - I really don't want it to end.

5pm Lenny drives me back to my place. I step out and say "thank you so much for today, I really enjoy.." I couldn't finish my sentence because Lenny had grabbed me by the waist, pulled me towards him and started kissing me strongly. His soft lips on my skin felt amazing that when he pulled away, I still clung to him. "It's ok" he whispered and dug around for something in his back pocket. "I got this for you" he said and pulled out a small bracelet with a tiny heart attachment. Engraved upon it were 2 small words "be mine?" They read. I didn't answer. I just stared into his wonderful eyes and kissed him again...

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