Our First Girly Night

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5pm We have just arrived back at the flat after having a great lunch with Lenny, Jake and Aiden. We all only had one class so we decided to pop into town for the afternoon. The three of us went to Tesco to stock up on some essentials and buy a nice pizza for dinner tonight - Hawaiian of course. Then we strolled down the river running through the centre of town and went into boots to get some more cleansers when Rebecca picked up a packet of face mask. "Hey girls, how about we have a girly night tonight ?" A smile stretched across mine and Leanne's faces "Omg yeah !" We cry at the same time. We each get 2 peel off ones - I choose pineapple and tea tree ones, Rebecca gets cucumber and Lemon ones whilst Leanne chooses pomegranate and Orange ones. Next we all buy some cheap new pjs in New Look because they are having a sale - mine are black and grey, Rebecca chooses some cotton tarten ones and Leanne gets a silky pink nighty.

6pm I put the pizza in the oven and switch the TV on. The girls are squished up on the sofa and I squeeze myself in the middle of them whilst we paint our nails and watch "friends." When the pizza is finally ready, we all grab a slice and chat about our first days. I talk about Lenny and how he is an amazing dancer. Leanne goes on about drama and what they are studying this term. Rebecca doesn't talk much; she just carries on munching through her pizza.

7pm Running to the bathroom I grab a face mask for us each and a few paint brushes. We sit in a circle on the floor, I paint Leanne's face while she does Rebecca's and Rebecca does mine all in our new pjs. We laugh about funny memories from high school and think about how much our lives have changed.  Suddenly I duck down to get some more face mask on my brush when Rebecca stabs me right in the face, splattering face mask all in my hair! "Hey !" I cry and draw a line of face mask on her chest. Within minutes we are all sprawling on the floor, crying with laughter, face mask everywhere.

11pm We decided to have an early night because we were all worn out after today and we all had early classes in the morning. Within 20 minutes though Rebecca knocked on my door. I whispered "come in" and she entered with tears stained cheeks and red eyes. "Rebecca! " I exclaimed and clamoured out of bed and wrapped my arms around her. She was shivering so I sat her down on my bed and made two cups of tea with two digestive biscuits. Sitting on the bed, we sipped silently with only the faint glow of my lamp to shield the darkness away. Eventually I asked her "So what's up? You didn't look ok at Uni and at dinner ?" She sighed and spent another minute sipping her tea then finally spoke "I'm the worst in my class, all the other boys have the best cameras and the girls are so talented and pretty. I stood there looking like a fool; everyone seemed to know each other apart from me. Some of the girls even started to model while the boys took photos of them and they looked so stunning, I'll never be as good as them." I sat there surprised, I know Rebecca is shy but she is so good at photography the other students must have been professionals to be "better" than her. "Oh well maybe you can make a bit more of an effort tomorrow and show those girls what beauty really is, and as for the camera, yours only came out 6 months ago." I reply trying to make her feel better. "Well yeah I suppose" she says and lays down. I switch off the light, looks like another night where I won't be alone I think to myself....

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