chapter 7

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Slowly the fog of sleep faded away. When I opened my eyes I yawned I started to stretch my arms but was stopped by another hand in mine. Turning my head to the side I saw Hibki asleep in a chair beside my bed. He looked so peaceful I couldn't help but watch him as he slept wondering why in the world he had stayed with me. As if sensing my gaze hibki's eyes popped open and emidently locked with mine. A slow lazy smile spread across his face as he released my hand.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" he asked while he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and stood up. All I could manage at first was a nod. When I found my voice I forced myself to ask the question that was nagging at my mind.

"Why did you stay with me? You could have gone back to your room." Hibki simply nodded sagely and his smile grew wider. Holding out his hand he said

"come walk with me I'd like to talk to you about something one on one." Breathless I nodded and accepted his out stretched hand, only vaguely noting that I had fallen asleep in my clothes. He didn't say a word until we were outside. Once we were out of hearing range for the inn he stopped and turned to me with a very serious look in his eyes.

"Grace I know you won't want to hear this but please hear me out." He waited for my nod before he continued "I think you should join a guild. I know you don't think you deserve it and that you're unworthy. But you couldn't be more wrong. Your one of the bravest most kind hearted, and honest people I have ever met. You're a genius and in terms of sheer power you have more than most of the ten wizard saints. Honestly I can't figure out why you don't see yourself clearly..." I cut him off mid-sentence.

"Where are you going with this Hibki? What do you have planned?" Smiling he shook his head and started to speak again

"I've invited a few people from the guilds I thought might be a good fit for you. So at the very least a few people would acknowledge your power. Amongst them are one of the ten wizard saints and the grandson of another one of the wizard saints. I know it's a lot to ask but please at least meat everyone. Give them and the idea of entering a guild a chance. Who knows you may even like it." Of course I was shocked at first but I agreed with hesitance. But I did make Hibki swear that he wouldn't leave me there alone. After he agreed to that he took me to a local clothing shop and helped me pick out a few out fits. It took a total of an hour. After that we went back to the inn to pick up Ren and Eve who both seemed weary of me now.

A few short hours later we stood in front of what looked like an ordinary house but Hibki insisted was the guild masters meeting hall which he had obtained permission to use as the meeting place for today. I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door Hibki at my side with Ren and Eve slightly behind me. The interior was open and welcoming but I only glimpsed it because I quickly noticed that every pair of eyes in the room were intensely focused on me. There was a total of twenty or so people in the room all of whom as I previously noted were staring at me. I stood frozen in the doorway until I felt a gentle pressure on my shoulder. Reassured I walked farther into the large room lowering my head and staring at the floor. Soon I heard a gruff voice to my right

"A small package with a massive punch. The magic power I can feel from that girl is truly remarkable all things considered." Looking over I saw a tall man with dark hair that covered one eye. He wore dark clothes and I could tell that he was like me somehow. To his left was another guy this one dressed in grey with blond spikey hair. I sensed the same familiarity in this man as in the first one. When they noticed my staring the blond one socked the one whit dark hair in the arm and slowly approached me as if he didn't know how to treat me.

"Hello I'm sting. Mr. sarcastic over there is rouge. We're the twin dragons of saber tooth. We're both dragon slayers like you." I blinked a few times surprised before I spoke.

"That must be the similarity I felt. Your magic felt familiar. Judging off of what I've seen so far and your auras you're light and the rouge was it, Must be shadow." Turning to address the one who had been introduced as rouge I said "Be careful. Shadows are not something to be trifled with. They involve far more than meets the eye." Both stood in shocked silence as I wandered away my attention caught by someone using ice make magic in the far corner of the room.

As I approached I saw that it was actually two people competing to see who could make the flashiest sculpture. Before I could help myself I had my hands out in front of me. Closing my eyes I picture a decently sized and extremely intricate sculpture of aqua and frost their respective element surrounding them. I heard two gasps and opened my eyes to see that the two wizards were now staring at me in awe. Blushing I ducked behind my hair and mumbled

"Um hi, I'm Grace.... Sorry when I saw you making sculptures I-I just couldn't help myself..." abruptly both of the two wizards started to laugh. Glancing up I saw one had black hair and blueish grey eyes while the other had white hair and turquoise eyes. Both men supported playful smiles and I felt comfortable with them. It was the one with dark hair who spoke first.

"You have so got to teach me how to do that! I'm Grey Foolbuster by the way." I couldn't help but smile put at ease by his curiosity. The other man spoke up after seeing my smile

"You should smile more. It suits you. I'm Leone and I'm from limia scale." Nodding I responded

"Thanks. I hear Limia scale has one of the ten wizard saints. I can't imagine what that would be like." Leones eyes lit up and a grin spread across his face.

"Wanna meet him? He's a bit frank but he's a good guy. Grey why don't you call Locksis over? JURRA! COME HERE PLEASE" by now grey was grinning two as he called out


Too small groups walked over. Once they reached us I noted that both sides had an overwhelming presence. I started to back away when I heard Hibki's voice right beside my ear.

"You're okay. I'll stay with you, these guys are pretty overwhelming." Sighing I nodded. Grey was talking to a biger guy with highlighter blond hair, spiked headphones, and a lightning shaped scar over one eye. Leone was talking to an equally big guy who was bald and bare chested. After a few moments the two men turned to me surprise etched across their faces. The bald one spoke first

"Well you're much younger than I was expecting." Leone promptly smacked the guy and shot him a pointed glare before clearing his throught and stating

"This is Jurra, one of the ten wizard saints." I nodded politely and then turned to grey who was impatiently waiting to introduce his group.

"Grace This one is Locksis." He said pointing to the one with the highlighter blond hair. Then he pointed to a girl with scarlet hair "This is Erza she uses reequip magic" next he pointed to a tallish guy with long black hair and metal studs in his face "This is gajeel he's the iron dragon slayer. The shorter girl with blue hair is Wendy she's the sky dragon slayer. And the pink haired moron is natsue who's the flame dragon slayer. We're all from Fairy tail."

To be continued

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