back story

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Chapter 5 my back story

Seeing the shocked looks on these strange men's faces I couldn't help it. I laughed hard, throwing my head back and roaring with laughter. I laughed so hard my sides hurt and my eyes watered. Gradually they started to laugh with me. Needless to say it took a while for us all to regain our composure. Hibki wiped his eyes with a broad grin and stated

"You should smile more often..." before he could finish the midget eve interrupted eagerly inquiring

"Were you serious? That was dragon slaying magic? Which type? How powerful are you really? Where are they now?" Sighing I looked up at the three of them knowing that telling them my tale was unavoidable. So I took a deep breath and began speaking.

"You may as well get comfortable. It's a pretty long story, and it's not always a happy one." Giving the three of them a moment to settle in I launched in to my story my memories rushing back to me as if they were from just yesterday

"It all started when I was about two years old. A dark guild raided my village, killing everyone they found and taking whatever they wanted. We didn't even stand a chance. It was a massacre somehow my parents hid me just before they were found. I couldn't see anything from my hiding spot. Not even my own hand in front of my face it was pitch black. I don't know for how long I stayed hidden in there, but I know that when I came out I found my parents headless corpses, their heads were impaled on spikes just outside our doors. I can remember the sensation of running but I didn't feel the heat or the cold not even my own hunger, I was completely numb. It was then that he found me. Frostbite dragonier the dragon of ice. He scoped me up and took me back to his cave where his twin sister waited. Aquafina the queen of all water and ice dragons. They took me in, at first they just fed me and kept me warm while they searched for my family, you see I couldn't tell them that they were dead because I had basically forgotten how to speak I didn't even remember my own name. Eventually they tracked down my village finding it still filled with the rotting corpses of the people who had once lived there. It was then that they decided to raise me as their own."

"It was then that they gave me the name Grace. They always told me I got the name because even lost and alone i moved with the kind of fluid grace that belongs to a dancer. The twin dragons taught me everything, from how to speak and socialize, manners edict, to reading and writing. They taught me what it meant to have a family and what love was. But by far the most important thing the two taught me was their magic, both types. I took to it like a duck take to water, quickly grasping the concepts they threw my way and eagerly seeking out more knowledge. Years passed in this manner. I suppose I was about eight years old when they told me I was ready to learn how to combine the two types of magic I had learned into one extraordinarily powerful new magic. It was grueling work and most days I couldn't do it. At least in the beginning. Slowly it started to take form inside of me as I grew and matured. At the same time I had started developing a special new magic, you see I had by that time noticed that I had the gift of being able to sense people's emotions their hopes and dreams, and unfortunately their biggest fears along with their darkest desires. I was making a spell that would purify the hatred and malicious intentions of people. Unfortunately juggling that and combining two different types of dragon slaying magic was no cakewalk. And eventually frost and aqua noticed. The two of them warned me that I was far too young to be taking on so much all at once. Of course I didn't listen and kept pushing myself. It wasn't long before I succeeded. That day they sent me into town to get a cake, to celebrate mastering my control over both types of magic they had taught me, and proving them wrong about creating my very own magic. So I went to the nearest town and purchased a simple cake, it was blue and green swirls combining. I can remember picking it out because it reminded me of them and all that they had taught me. The walk home was a peaceful one that day usually I was bombarded by travelers but that day no one bothered me for I was simply to happy. But that happiness was short lived for when I arrived home I found that I was alone. All that was left was a note from them, explaining that they could no longer be with me but they would forever be watching over me. I waited for them to come back for week I cried and begged. After about two months I left. Swearing to never wield my magic again, in my mind they had left because they thought I was unworthy of the magic they had bestowed upon me. It was the only reason they would leave me, they didn't love or need me anymore. So I struck out on my own wandering around aimlessly until a few years ago when I settled down in a small cottage on the far side of the village dragons blade attacked. I was content to stay home and simply write, but now even that's been taken away." I finished speaking with a slight waver in my voice from the resurfacing feeling of abandonment.

I could feel years of unshed tears pricking at my eyes and I blinked several times forcing them back. I refused to cry in front of these strangers...

a new dragon slayerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant