lost but found

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A new Dragon Slayer. Lost but found

Chapter one

Jumping from one rooftop to another my caper billowing out behind me in the wind as my feet guide me to the forest at the edge of town. only looking back occasionally to make sure the scumbags from the dark guild dragons claw are still following me. My thoughts turn to how i ended up in this situation  Today had started like any other day. i woke up ate my breakfast the set about my daily chores. when suddenly i got this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, knowing it was my magic calling out to me i grabbed my weapon and cloak before bolting out the door.....

suddenly I'm pulled out of my reminiscing by a fairly large fire ball flying past my head so i drop from the trees into the center of a fairly large meadow and wait.  when the criminals finally caught up to me I sneer    

"You know it really is a shame you chose to attack my home, because now there's no way i can let you filthy murders leave here unscathed. No I'll simply have to defeat you and hand you over to the council. Now come, if its a fight your thirsting for I shall give you the fight of your lives."

The crowd of darkly clad men and women parted allowing a tall muscular figure to come forward. I was surprised by how deep his voice was when he spoke but kept my face carefully blank.

"And what can one tiny magic-less boy do against a whole guild of forbidden magic users? Unless you think that sword will do you any good......." he trailed off as he looked above my head in confusion. Following the dark leaders example i looked up and immediately leaped as far back as i could. Floating down from a large boat in the air were three extremely handsome men.As the trio neared the ground the tallest began to speak his voice was like silk, smooth and cool, 

"So you people are the fighting force behind the dark guild Dragons Claw. I have to say I'm not impressed. What a let down, oh well no matter you wont be around much longer either way i suppose."

The dark leader smirked at the trio before speaking condescendingly in his rough deep voice,

"well well well if it isn't blue Pegasus's trio of play boys. I'm honored that i will get the pleasure of killing you, but alas first i mus finish taking out the trash behind you. After I'm done disposing of the boy behind you i will gladly play with the three of you."

For the first time the trio turned around and spotted me crouching low to the ground sword drawn, the hood of my cloak had fallen back slightly to reveal part of my face but i couldn't spare a moment to fix it. As each of the three men realized that i was in fact a girl their entire demonors changed, became more flirty as they told the dark master how wrong he was.

"oh how wrong you are how could such a delicate flower ever be mistaken for a boy, no this lovely warrior is in fact a woman, quite a pretty one might i add." The shortest of the three said winking at me flirtatiously.

It wasn't ten seconds later that a powerful attack type spell was fired from directly behind the strange trio there was no time to think, and before i could even blink i was already in motion. Diving towards them and calling the water from a small pond a mew meters away to my side quickly freezing it to create a shield that not only absorbed the attack but magnified it and reflected it back on the caster making it that much more lethal. The entire meadow went silent as i stared down at my hands in horror. For the first time in nearly ten years i had broken my vow, i had used magic, and didn't know weather i could ever live without this warm familiar feeling ever again. I fell to the ground my trembling legs no longer able to hold my weight and just stared at my shaking hands trying to get a grip on this new situation.     

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