an explanation

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Chapter four an explanation

(Disclaimer I don't own fairy tail or any of its charters they all belong to funamation as far as I know)

Hibki looked shocked and blinked at me a few times before speaking again. This time with hesitation.

"Why? I mean you have power comparable to the ten wizard saints! Who are you really! No wizard outside of guilds has that much power. Yet here you are. An anomaly for the ages." His voice had steadily been raising and by the time his breathing was hard.

"You don't know anything so don't act like you do! I haven't used my magic for eight years then you people show up and suddenly I'm using it again like nothing has changed! You have no idea how that made me feel and no right to throw accusations at me." I fought to keep my voice low and stead sending icy glares Hibki's way, before picking up my pace and passing the other two ( Ren and eve )

Later that evening the three approached me while I was sulkily eating my dinner sitting down in front of me one by one. This time it was Ren who spoke (because he was the only one who hadn't pissed me off)

"Will you tell us your story? Why did you get so upset when Hibki yelled at you about not being in a guild? More importantly why haven't you used magic in ten years?" his voice was low and gravely it reminded me of frosts voice which is probably why I gave an honest reply.

"I haven't used magic in so long because the ones who taught me left, they thought I was unworthy. Otherwise they would have never left! And joining a guild requires using magic."

All three looked confused before eve spoke up

"Are you an idiot? There is no way in hell that you're unworthy. From what we saw today you're more than worthy and that's after not practicing for ten years. What kind of magic was that anyways?" smirking I replied

"Dragon slaying magic." All three of their jaws dropped shock blantly displayed

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