"Did you have to do that?"

"Two or three times." Sebastian said. "As head Warbler, you are the main spokesperson for the Warblers. So if it were the council's decision, it is your responsibility to talk to her."

Skylar frowned. "I just really don't want her to make an enemy of the Warblers. I mean. She's a great person. She's nice, she's a great friend."

"Then let her understand." Sebastian said, "explain to her. The Warblers are a brotherhood. And sometimes, tradition is important. And to most of the boys in the Warblers, Tradition is."

"I am not like you Sebastian." Skylar said sadly. "I don't know how to tell her that I can't inspire people or help them see reason like you used to. I...I don't even know how in the world was I elected to become the head Warbler."

"Because they all believe that you will do the right thing and respect decision of the majority." Sebastian said. "They believe that you know your responsibility."

Skylar put his head down in defeat. "Alright."


Sebastian was sitting looking over one of his books in Lima Bean one afternoon when a shadow went over his vision.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the smirking meerkat." Rachel Berry was standing in front of Sebastian with her arms crossed and a playful smirk in her face.

"Rachel Berry." Sebastian greeted standing up and giving his cousin a hug.

"What are you doing here?" she asked. "All the way at Lima."

"The Warblers needed me."

"What happened?" Rachel asked planting herself across Sebastian with her drink in hand.

"What is this?" Sebastian asked playfully. "Rachel Berry, I am a Warbler, you cannot expect me to give up valuable information. What would Lady Hummel say, conniving with the enemy?"

Rachel slapped Sebastian's arm who just laughed.

"It's nothing big." Sebastian said. "One of the younger Warblers from when I was Captain asked for advice."

"What kind of advice, maybe I can help."

"There is a girl at Dalton, who wants to be a Warbler."

"What's the dilemma?"

"Well, tradition is important to these boys." Sebastian explained, "The Warblers were a solid brotherhood since Dalton Academy was built."

"Yeah, well some traditions are meant to be broken." Rachel lectured. "You can't be at the wrong side of history here."

"I know. And I told that to the Warblers, who proposed a compromise. They let her try out..."

"and?" Rachel interrupted impatiently.

"Well, Skylar said she was phenominal..."


Sebastian made a face. And continued. "The Warblers voted against her."

"That's horrible. I thought you said she was amazing." Rachel exclaimed. "The Warblers possibly have an incredible asset knocking at their door. And they are looking at a gift horse in the mouth. Just because she's a girl?"

"Rachel, I am not a member of the Dalton Academy Faculty, nor do I have any more control over what happens between the Warblers, I am merely a mentor they look for when they are at a bind. So please do not lecture me."

"I'm sorry." Rachel said sheepishly. "It's just McKinley has changed."

"What happened?"

"The New Directions is starting from scratch again..."

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