Santana took a deep breath. "Look Barry, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things. I crossed a line. I..."

Santana's voice faltered but Barry silently worked but said "I talked with Sebastian the other day. He told me... he told me about your rivalry. What he has done. How you and your friends think of him."

Barry looked at her in the eye. "I know Bas can be a jerk, but you dont know him like I do. You don't know me. And you dont know what we've been through."

Santana looked away she couldn't keep looking at him. His eyes showed a lot more than sadness.

"What happened that day, I will never forget what you said about our mom. With everything that has happened, I am always going to be protective of my family. But I am willing to let us go past this."

She looked at him in shock. He had a sheepish smile on his face. He held out his hand to Santana. Who happily accepted it.


It's been weeks since Nick and Jeff had confronted Hunter. And Hunter had yet to tell Sebastian. He had yet to do anything visible. Or at least that's what Nick and Jeff think considering how awkward the two were still acting.

Friday night, the Warblers were again having their routinely karaoke night. Since Trent and Wes were visiting New York, they were going to one of the bigger and well known bars in New York. A Pub a few blocks away from NYADA. So the bar goers are not only good performers but a very active crowd.

Hunter was leaving his apartment building to meet with the other Warblers. While he was walking, he could sense someone following him. He saw a metal trashcan a few feet to his left. He inconspicuously started to walk towards it.

As soon as he was at reaching distance, Hunter grabs the cover and swiftly turns towards his attacker. Using the cap of the trashcan as a shield and was ready to swing it towards the bastard's legs.

"Woah, Hunter. Chill its just us." Nick exclaimed taking a step back his arms raised in defense.

Hunter put down the lid and glared at the two who were smiling sheepishly at him.

"How did you know where i luved and why are you following me?"

"Well, we wanted to talk." Jeff said "I mean seriously man, you are a hard man to track. We tried looking for you around campus."

"Okay, so you found me." Hunter said "Now what was so important that it couldn't wait till we reached the bar?"

"Well we wanted to ask you about you and Sebastian." Nick asked, "Have you told him yet?"

"Well, one doesnt simply go to their best friend and tell him that youre actually bi after years of insisting you are straight and that youre actually in love with them." Hunter said seriously and a bit of snark. "Besides I can't really approach him as well as you think i can."

"Well you could do what Blaine did." Nick said "You can sing to him."

"Since when did we become the Nude Erections." Hunter asked. "I am not going tk sing and dance for Bas in public. That is not only humiliating for him, but mortifying for me."

"We never said that its in public." Jeff said "Maybe in private. Or someplace or aituation where you are comfortable."

"I'll think about it." Hunter said "Now don't we have a performance to get to."

The three went to the bar together. Which caused some of the Warblers, who were waiting, to raise their eyebrows.

"Since when did you three become buddy buddy?" Thad asked.

"We just met a few blocks down." Hunter said "They actually found me. Anyways, are you guys ready to have some fun tonight?"


"I'm going to be honest." Trent said after a few drinks in, most of them had sung one song and a little buzz. "I never thought I'd be having some drinks in a bar with the Warblers in New York. Totallt never thought of that ever happening."

"Well its happening." Thad said "Hey Hunt. You haven't sung a song yet! Karaoke bars are never fun unless everyone has at least one song."

"No, Im fine." Hunter insisted.

"Come on, Hunt." Nick said "It'll be jn. We all did it."

The rest of the Warblers insisted and Hunter relented. Hunter was feeling a bit buzzed and his emotions were all over the place. He picked what seemed like the most perfect song.

He felt the emotions within the song. And he gave it as much passions as he can. He looked through the crowd. But he could only see a pair of green eyes.

When the days are cold

And the cards all fold

And the saints we see

Are all made of gold

When your dreams all fail

And the ones we hail

Are the worst of all

And the blood's run stale

I wanna hide the truth

I wanna shelter you

But with the beast inside

There's nowhere we can hide

No matter what we breed

We still are made of greed

This is my kingdom come

This is my kingdom come

He looks straight into Sebastian's eyes as he sang. As much as he loved him, Hunter has some demons that he never wanted him to see again. He would never want him to undergo that torment again.

When you feel my heat

Look into my eyes

It's where my demons hide

It's where my demons hide

Don't get too close

It's dark inside

It's where my demons hide

It's where my demons hide

Hunter finished the song and was greeted with a hearty round of applause from the people around the bar.

He went off the make shift stage but didn't return to the table with his friends. Nick tapped Sebastian at the shoulder and motioned for him to follow.

"Where are we going?" Sebastian asked as soon as they were away from the other Warblers.

Nick didn't answer but rather walked faster towards one of the exits of the bar. Jeff was waiting at the exit looking out the glass door.

"What the hell is..." Sebastian saw Hunter seated on the sidewalk looking out on empty street. He looked at Nick and Jeff for an explanation.

"Go talk to him." Nick insisted. "You're the only one that can get through to him now."

Sebastian looked out again at Hunter's still form. He took a deep breath and went out to talk to him.

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