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"Urm, hi."

"Are you Killer?"


"I knew it! I knew, that my best friend was plotting my death behind my back!"


"She is not a killer dude!"


"She is my friend! Now give me back my phone and get the hell away from here."

"Stop being so mean bro and introduce me to this Killer girl."

"Ow! The hell dude!"

"Only I can call her Killer, you dumbass."

"Okay fine."

"The hell is going on?"

"Hey! I am Nathan, best friend of this idiot."


"Won't you tell me your name?"

"Naah, it's a secret."

"You are awesome. I like you."

"Nothing that I don't know of."

"Feisty! I like it."

"Stop flirting with her!"

"Why? Feeling jealous?"

"Of course no! Why would I feel jealous?"

"Okay then, I am asking her out."

"You won't!"

"Try me!"


"So, unknown. Wanna meet for the coffee?"

"Sure! Text me the details."


"What no?"

"You can't go out with him!"

"And why so?"

"Because you can't make plans about going for coffee and shit with my friend on my phone!"

"Fine then Nathan, we will make plans on your phone. Happy now, Aidey?"

"Aidey? Hahaha!"

"If you won't stop laughing then I'll burn your ass!"






*Beep* *Beep*

"You are not going out with her!"

"Just because you can't make a move, doesn't mean that I also can't and she already agreed so suck it up!"


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