16.9K 972 93

Whow, it's #204 in SS!
Love u all


"Hello ma'am, McDonald's at your service. What would you like to have?"

"Did you guys start a new service where you go around calling customers?"

"No ma'am. Some boy named Aiden gave us your number and he also asked if his apology is accepted."

"Well, I would like to have one Mc cheese burger with fries and an extra large coke, oh and tell him that he is forgiven."

"Thank you ma'am. Our man will be at your doorstep in fifteen minutes. Have a good day."

*Beep* *Beep*

"Hmm, Aiden. Not a bad name."


He seriously got her McBurger! Damn! Now I also want one!

Wdu guys thnk of this chapter?
Lemme kno..

OH! And don't forget to vote and comment!


2:19 AM ✓Where stories live. Discover now