Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

Calming Christmas

Christmas time. A time for joy and to be merry. Throughout the small community on the southern end of Mobius, all the citizens prepared for the magical season. Malls and shopping centers stock their shelves full of the latest fashion, books, toys and video games, ready for the impending masses. Shoppers dash through the stores, wrapping paper flying everywhere in a kaleidoscope of colours and snowmen decorations as desperate cashiers try to sedate the crazed crowds.

The spirit of the season doesn't stop when you reach the warm confines of the houses dotting the streets, capped with the icy glare of Jack Frost who blew the freezing winds over the earth. Snow continued to fall throughout the month of December casting white blankets of thick powder which peppered down from the heavens, dancing on the winds. The feverish nights were filled with the bone chilling sounds of white wolves howling at the moon, echoing throughout the atmosphere. Water melted from the snow which was dripping down from the roof, freezing overnight to create icicles that stuck out, protruding from the houses like the long, glassy fingers of an abominable frost creature.

The sweet smell of pine wafted through the inside of Tails' house, mixed with the burning warmth of the open fire and the heavenly aroma dissipating from within the oven, busy at work baking the Christmas dinners. Flashes of Red, silver and gold tinsel dressing the large tree in the middle of the velvet carpeted room captivated the eyes of Tails, casting an array of magical colours with the light from the dancing embers of the crackling and hissing fire. They chased away the encroaching shadows of the darkness, filling the room, and the hearts of the two boys, Tails and Sonic, with merry feelings.

Tails' azure eyes drifted up to the bright, golden star situated atop of the large tree, mirroring the colour of his own fur. Outside the glassy eyes of jolly old Saint Nick fell upon the land. Tails reached down into the depths of the plastic bag, pulling out the last two fluffy, pink marshmallows. He stuck the first one on the sharp end of the protruding stick which he held, clutched in his hand and offered the other one out to Sonic who retrieved it thankfully.

The two boys sat, the reflection of the orange fire, dominated by blackbody radiation of soot, steam and heat engulfed their beings, alight in their eyes. It warmed their spirits. The fire hissed at them as it met with the sugary coating of Sonic's marshmallow, coating it in an auburn brown mix, heating the inside thoroughly. Adjacent, Tails watched in angst as he tried to replicate the careful, precise movements of Sonic's wrist as he maneuvered his marshmallow around the raging flames. As hard as he tried, he couldn't stop his own marshmallow from exploding in a show of fire as a black crust engulfed the colour of pink, burning his own treat to a crisp.

"Here, have mine," Sonic gestured, passing his stick which held his own marshmallow, cooked to perfection. Sincerity and care floated on his words as he uttered them. Tails nodded in thanks as he brought the heated treat to his mouth, filling the cavernous opening with the squishy goodness.

Some of the melted insides slipped from his lips, getting caught in the white fur on his muzzle, sticking to each hair fiber like gum. Tails brought his hand up to his mouth in an attempt to wipe of the residue but to no avail.

"Allow me," Sonic said softly, moving his face up to the young fox's and extended his tongue out. He ran it across Tails' muzzle, lapping up the remaining remnants of the marshmallow before retreating back into the confines of his own mouth.

Tails let out an audible moan, annoyed that Sonic stopped. A clever smirk crossed the cobalt hedgehogs face as he leant back in and repeated his actions, however, this time he allowed his tongue to finish inside Tails' mouth, greeting the fox's tongue warmly. His lips followed suit shortly after, causing a suction seal around the two boys as their lips pressed together and their tongues began to dance the tango of emotions together.

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