Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

Cruel School

Tails' mother knocked gently on the dark brown, wooden door to her son's room. No answer. She knocked again but still nobody called out in reply so she carefully pushed open the door, making sure not to make a loud creaking sound as it slowly swung open. She saw Tails fast asleep, sprawled on his bed. His arms and legs were spread out and she was surprised just how much of a double bed a small fox could take up. She smiled.

She slid across the floor, the soles of her feet dragging across the velvet carpet. She moved over to the shades that were drawn shut, shielding his room from the rays of the sunshine outside and flung them open. Tails hissed in annoyance as the harsh light of the sun streamed in from the window directly into his sensitive azure eyes, not dissimilar to the colour of the ocean.

The flurries of snow had subsided overnight and the dark cumulonimbus clouds parted like the red sea, allowing the sunlight passage to the ground below. The plants all swayed in the morning breeze in delight, greedily soaking up the morning sun. After days of blizzards and snow, every organism and creature in the small town was enjoying the sudden burst of sunshine.

"Tails get up, you're almost late for school," his mother said, trying to rouse him out of his deep slumber.

Tails glanced over at his alarm clock on his bedside table. 8:00am, it displayed.

'I have to meet Sonic in 10 minutes at the park!' his mind screamed and he jumped out of bed suddenly, grabbing his gloves, goggles and shoes that all lay, neatly folded at the foot of his bed. 'No time to shower this morning,' the fox thought, rushing out of the house and down the cemented street.

A few moments later he arrived at the park which was the two teenager's normal meeting place before they set off to school together. It was only about a ten minute walk to their school but they always met up beforehand at the park, every morning without fail so that neither would feel lonely during the trek. Only something was different this morning. Sonic wasn't there. It wasn't strange for the hedgehog to be late, he was rarely ever on time, but he normally would have texted an apology at exactly 10 past 8. This morning, no such text came.

'Does he not want to be seen in public with me anymore?' his mind immediately jumped to, assuming the worse, as always.

"Psssssst," a voice rang out. Tails looked around but couldn't see anybody.

"Over here," the voice whispered. Tails opened the gate cautiously and walked down the gravel path into the park. He tried to find the source of the voice when he noticed a shadowy figure, concealed by the blueberry bushes.

"Soni…" Tails began to ask when an arm shot out of the bushes and pulled the small fox in. He was sent crashing through the bushes and landed on the ground, face first. "Ouch!" Tails screamed in annoyance. "What was that for?"

Sonic helped his friend sit up and without saying anything, placed a single, short, passionate kiss on the kit's lips. "Feel better now?" he asked seductively.

"Much," Tails blushed, his muzzle flooding crimson. Maybe it was the kiss, or the concussion that the fox had just received but all the pain seemed to leave him instantly. "What do you want?" Tails asked finally.

"We need to talk," Sonic began.

"About what?"

"School, us. We can't act any differently at school. We don't want anybody getting suspicious." Tails looked back confused. He hadn't thought about it but maybe Sonic was right. Subconsciously, he would probably seem different to his friends who had known him for a long time. He didn't want anybody to catch on and ruin their love. He had finally got what he had been dreaming of for a long time and he didn't want anyone, especially Amy, to ruin it for him.

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