Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

Party Panic

School flew by at a quick pace. Tails studied hard and Sonic struggled to stay awake every class. Each night, Tails and his friends would gather after school to further plan Sonic's surprise 17th birthday party. Snow continued to pile up, increasing height around the streets further and further as not one sunny day broke through the clouds that week. Each morning, Sonic's parents forced him to shovel snow out of the driveway and each day it got harder and harder for him as the levels got to almost 3 feet.

Throughout the week, Tails and Sonic would continue to meet up after dinner and hang out. Some days they would play video games and others, Tails would help Sonic finish his homework. However, most of the time, both of them were perfectly happy to just lie back in each other's warm embrace and watch the many individual snowflakes dance on the winter winds of the early evenings.

Friday afternoon finally rolled around as the two boys left their final class.

"Finally!" Sonic yelled, fist pounding the air in happiness as he sprinted out of the room. "This week felt like it would never end," adding emphasis on the word never.

"You should just try enjoying class a little more. You might enjoy it if you pay attention," Tails giggled, a smirk crossing his face as he walked beside the cobalt hedgehog who just sighed in reply, laughing with his fox friend.

"I'll definitely start paying attention next year," Sonic replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Sonic, Tails!" A voice called out from behind them as they arrived at their lockers, packing the many different books into their bags.

"Sup Knucks?" Sonic responded, turning around to give the red echidna a high five.

"Nothing. Tails, we need to go prepare more for-" Knuckles began but was cut off by Tails who shoved his gloved hand in front of the echidna's mouth, muffling the rest of the sentence.

"Prepare for… uh… the… um… assignment that Knucks and I have to finish before we go home tonight. Right Knuckles?" Tails quickly spouted out at rapid fire speed. He silently cursed the red echidna's name under his breath.

"Yeah, that's it," Knuckles smiled, laughing as Tails grabbed his bag and ran away, waving goodbye to Sonic and saying that he would see the sapphire blur the next day. Tails waited until they had rounded the corner and out of Sonic's ear shot before opening his mouth again.

"What the hell was that for!?" Tails shouted, giving Knuckles a small punch in his left arm.

"Why are you yelling at me? Maybe we wouldn't have to do our project on a Friday afternoon if you told me about it earlier!" Knuckles yelled, crossing his arms over his chest in annoyance, huffing loudly. Tails brought the palm of his hand up to his forehead, slapping it.

"There is no project, you idiot."

"Then why did you say there was? You had me worried."

"Because you were about to tell Sonic what we were doing with his surprise party. Key word… SURPRISE! As in secret!" Tails punched the echidna's arm again, not as rough as the previous time.

"Ohhhhh. Sonic was the one we were not supposed to tell. Sorry, I forgot who we were told to keep it a secret from," Knuckles apologized, rubbing the back of his head with his hand and laughed awkwardly to the golden fox. Tails sighed audibly for the third or fourth time since walking away as the two met up with the others.

"Hey Knuckles," Tikal, the orange echidna called out, waving. The red echidna walked up, grabbed her around the waist and planted a wet, sloppy kiss on her cheek. Tails tried to shield his eyes from the horrible display of affection. He never would admit it but he hated the way some of the guys at his school treated girls. Like objects! Disgusting.

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