
I was drumming my fingers against the long wooden table. I was seated to the right of the chair at the head of the table. Ruby sat to my right in a red dress with a flame like stitching decorating it. Her blond hair was pulled up and i had done her makeup. Eyeliner that made her look eligible for marriage and steel eye shadow. I prided myself on my work but kept my eyes trained on the window across from the table. Thick red curtains hung from the stone wall falling beside the red tinted window.

The table was clear as me and Ruby waited. I tried to ignore the glare i was getting from across the table opposite seat to where ruby was sitting. I felt the glaring. I tried to ignore it at first but then i got annoyed and looked over to her.

Her blond hair was down and perfectly straight. Her dark brown eyes glaring daggers into me as her face was screwed into a scowl. She was also wearing makeup but my eyeliner skills were better. Rubys face was proof of that. Even if i wasn't raised with makeup i was still better. I think that made her angry. At least another reason why she's angry.

She was wearing a black dress with no design on it but it showed off her every curve. "Need something Sicil?" i asked as sweet as i could. She glared even more her brows knitting together.

"Bastard" she sneered in the red langue. i smiled resting my elbows on the table as i folded my arms onto it. "I think you're jealous of this bastard" i said with a smirk. She cringed as she now glared at my elbows specifically. I know, i wasn't supposed to have elbows on the table but mother wasn't here yet so i did it just to make her angry. Also i continued speaking the common tongue just to annoy her as well.

"I have nothing to be jealous about" she countered and i rolled my eyes leaning back. "Who's getting the throne again?" i asked and she opened her mouth to speak but the doors opened. The black armored knights came in pushing the wooden doors open and holding them open as mother and 'father' came in.

Mother was dressed in a red dress, one that hade some kind of dragon across her collarbone and it's tail wrapping around her waist. She had black leather shoulder pads on her shoulders as well. They were designed into the dress like the dragon. Her blond hair was also down, yet her red eyes found mine instantly.

'Father' was in a black tight vest with black scaled pants. His black hair was slicked back as his brown eyes lit up as he smiled at his children and me. "Good morning" he said cheerfully as he walked in. mother didn't smile. She never smiled. She stared at me, then looked to Sicil. Sicil still glared at me.

"Why do we dine with a dog?" Sicil growled still glaring at me. I scoffed "yes, mother's lap dog shouldn't be allowed at the table" i countered once more with my sarcasm and looked over to mother. "Fatureal" mother growled in a warning tone and i sighed. "She started it!" i whined and she glared at me her eyes narrowing. 'Father' laughed and walked around the table on Sicilis side. Mother came over walking on the right side were me and Ruby were. She stopped just to the left of my chair before leaning closer "Play nice" she growled deciding that the language we would be speaking this evening was common tongue. Usually what ever language she spoke to me was the language we were sticking with... at least for dinner.

i leaned away closer to ruby. "Tell her that" i whined and she sighed heavily before going to take her seat at the head of the table. Father being the gentleman he was was standing there waiting and as she took a seat he pushed her in. the action made me roll my eyes.

After 'father' took his seat to mothers front left, the servants came out from the hallway behind my chair that lead from the kitchen. Man, woman, human and elf, there was little racism here but there was slaves. Servants is just what mother likes me to call them. There slaves. Why toss a fancy word to cover up that fact? I was always nice to them, i taught ruby to be nice to them as well. Sicil never listened to me so she was equally a bitch to me as she was to them. The only race that wasn't enslaved here were the Orcs. They tended to avoid Red Keep like the plague thus,plus, were would they get the ships to even come here?

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