Chapter 11

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I was eating my late dinner in the dining hall we had been in before. Lord Hareld graced us with his presents as well as Amber at his side. Jordan was seated to my right as the Lord took the chair at the head of the table. Hex sat on my left and Drag sat across from me. amber's eyes taunting me to try anything. I couldn't tell what she was exactly taunting me with but i ate as i glared at her.

"Lord Hareld, we need all the assistance you can provide" Jordan said trying to get his troops. The lord was an old man, yet dressed in the fashionable red empire robes. "And i have told you my lady, that i need to keep order in my city" he replied coldly. "Wasn't it my father that gave you this city?" Jordan said and her voice rose a bit. This was getting a bit heated now. From simple ask to full on argument. "I say you pay him back for that, prove your worth as a lord of the Empire" Jordan all but sneered at the Lord. He glared at her. Oh this wasn't good.

I swallowed my food quickly as he opened his mouth to speak but i beat him too it. "Look, Hareld... your city will be in ash if the horde of Rampids continues on it's path. If you wish to save your city you will give us your troops" i said demanding his cooperation. I had this intimidating effect when i took command of something and the Lord couldn't hold a glare at me. Amber did it for him though.

"I... can not argue with that" The lord said in defeat and clearly not happy with it. "Thank you" Jordan breathed a bit in relief. With that Lord Hareld left with his Siren, Hex went off to her own quarters, same with Drag.

Jordan stayed seated as i continued to eat. "Didn't you already eat dinner?" She asked. "When you have magic, you digest food a lot faster" i pointed out. "Haven't noticed" Jordan said still a bit intrigued.
"Well in prison i wasn't given any food, the torture thought i would starve to death, so i ran on pure magic at the time. It was the only thing keeping me alive... and now that i can eat? I can actually use my magic instead of depending on it for life" i told her.

"I'm sorry" She apologized and i looked at her a bit confused. "For what?" i asked. "For the way we treated you" she answered and this made me laugh.

"You forget i burned a bunch of your villages down? Not to mention we were at war?" i asked and she shrugged. "It doesn't make up for the fact you were treated unjustly in our care" she responded. I don't think she understood what a prisoner of war meant. "Manhands, i was tortured and you're sorry that i wasn't given food. You have strange priorities" i said and laughed a little. She scowled "Never mind" she said as she stood up.

"Well i'll be here if you need me" i told her as she walked out of the dining room. I continued to eat. Right before i could put the food in my mouth i heard a beating heart. "You hear all that?" i asked glancing over my shoulder. Amber walked out from the shadows along the wall. "Yes" she said truthfully which was a bit surprising. I was expecting a 'whatever do you mean?' or 'heard what?'. At least she wasn't playing dumb with me.

"Though i have to ask" she said as she walked over to stand by my side. "If you no longer have magic, then you can die?" she asked. That was very observant of her. And the biggest black mail i have ever received in my life. I should kill her. I didn't let fear show on my face as i smiled putting on my mask. "Magic, can and will keep me alive. Without it though? Well i was raised in the north, still a challenge there" i said and continued to eat as she leaned against the side of my chair watching me. "Interesting" she said and i could feel her sizing me up. I didn't like having my back to her but this chicken was fucking good shit.

"Is it just me or did it get ten degrees colder in here?" i asked straightening up. I spotted an open window and i closed it with just the wave of my hand. Simple magic tricks were so useful. Yet when i waved my hand not only did the window shut, but the doors to the room as well. Now i stood up taking my knife as i turned to face Amber. She seemed to notice were i was going with this. The look of murder no doubt in my eyes.

"It appears it has" she mumbled and from her sleeve fell two knives into her right hand. "SHall we dance?" i asked smiling and she smirked back. "Let's" she purred.

I made the first move, a thrust to her stomach, she easily side stepped and swung her knives at my throat. I leaned back just avoiding the blades across my throat. Then i swept my right foot at her leg. She jumped back and i missed. I stepped forward and she stepped back. I smile "Never danced before?" i asked her.

She took one of her knives into her left hand then lunged forward. I grabbed her wrist twisting it and her knife fell from her hand. Her other hand stabbed into my stomach, her knife scratching my chest plate from the sloppy move but it distracted me. She jumped swinged her legs around my neck and i felt her muscles twist to the right, attempting to snap my neck. I ran into the wall, head butting her stomach as i did so. She grunted from impact and i felt her legs tense up again as she was going to try and twist my head. My hand grabbed at her thighs keeping her from doing that again.

"What the fuck?" questioned into the silent room making me glance back to see who it was. Hex stood there, staring at us. She rose her hands and backed away. "Fang, you dog, this is why Lazarus slapped you" she said. It was only now i was aware of what position we were in. her legs over my shoulders as i pinned her up against the wall. "That's not what-" i was cut off when i felt Amber's hands press against the back of my neck, muffling me against her stomach.

"Look, i didn't see shit, but seriously why the hell the dining room?" she asked but i couldn't see her reaction as my face was currently pressed to in between amber's hips. I heard the doors close and i grabbed amber's legs and pulled her off me and through her to the ground.

"What the fuck?" i sneered at her and she smiled as she layed there on the ground. "Relationship issues?" she asked with a coye smile. I lunged at her. She rolled away and then quickly spun around me and got her arms wrapped around my neck. I ran backwards til i hit the wall. Another grunt from her and her hold on my neck loosened. I elbowed her in the gut getting her to drop her arms from around my neck. I turned around grabbing her wrists and pinning them to the wall. I sighed heavily. "I'll admit, you're good" i breathed only slightly out of breath. She laughed which caught me by surprise. "Non, cherie, I'm better" she breathed right before her legs wrapped around my waist pulling me closer.

To my surprise she then sank her teeth into my neck. I released one of her hands to grab her neck and push her back. But that hand soon came back when i pinned her neck to the wall, a knife was pressed against my neck.

"What the fuck was that?" i hissed at her still not believing the fact she bit my neck. She smiled, that crazy smile. "I play rough, i thought you would like that?" She said amused by my reaction. Even when i had her by the neck she still smiled, then again i had a knife against my throat. "You're insane" i grunted and released her backing off. She laughed, it seemed dark in some twisted way. "Your mission to save this Empire is insane" she countered. She had me there.

Now we were just simple standing across from each other. She had her back leaned against the wall as she crossed her arms. "Then help me" i said. I mean it was insane, one second we were trying to kill each other then the next i wanted her to work for me. She was good. Too good to just kill. Her skills would prove valuable for our mission. I hated even admitting this but she was better than me in hand to hand combat. Which said a lot.

"Help you?" she was even amused by the statement. "You don't work for this Lord, so who do you work for?" i asked rubbing my neck. I think she pulled something when trying to snap my neck. "No one currently" she said and smiled. "Why would i work for you? We did just try to kill each other non?" She asked. I shrugged in response "You have talent, we need that talent. And well, i'm a witch, i could put a curse on you if you don't take my offer" i hollowly threatened. She laughed.

"Good point, it would be fun to watch you fail" she said and i glared. "We won't fail" i growled. She stood up walking over to me. Her knife concealed in her sleeve again as she approached. "What fire you have Fang, the legends about you must be true" she said and i scoffed taking a half step back. "Depends which ones... now are you going to work with us or do i have to put a curse on you?" i asked. Still she smiled and touched the collar of my shirt "Yes, i'll work with you, but you have to allow me to dress you" she said and i glared. What was up with girls wanting things with me? I needed to put a sign on my back that said 'emotionally unavailable'.

"Why?" i asked. She tugged on the collar pulling me down to her. "This smells horrible" she said then released it and walked away. "Where are you going?" i asked as i watched her walk to the doors. "Shopping, you need new clothes" she said and i scowled. Great, now i have a second mom. She's probably going to make me wear a dress. I regretted this decision already

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