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Quick little warning: from this chapter onwards there will be a bit of swearing. You know what that means~~


Dr Green quickly reverted back into his teasing, happy nature. "Miss Sang, you are a lovely, intriguing young lady. I can assure you that we can work this out together," he promised with a passing gaze to Mr Blackbourne.

Mr Blackbourne seemed to be already calculating and analysing the information I offered. It would be easy to miss the small movement of his eyes or the small furrow of his brow on his face which would hardly reveal his secrets. "You say you need to eat and you get tired," he began, "where do you eat and sleep?"

I let out a nervous chuckle, not really wanting to answer. "Well..." I hesitate, "...here."

"Here?" He repeated, raising an impeccable brow.

Instead of replying, I pointed to one of the beds in the room and the in the direction of the cafeteria.

"I mean," I quickly stated as their faces morphed into shock and confusion, panicking slightly that I may have scared them away. "I don't stay here all the time, I usually just wonder around a lot, through some neighbourhoods. It's not at all bad here. There are TVs and books and I've studied a bit too and-"

"Sang," Dr Green thankfully interrupted my embarrassing rant, "Why here? Why stay at a school?"

"I was waiting for school to start," I answered truthfully, trusting them. "I wanted to see if I could remember anyone. It's a school and I knew it would start eventually."

There faces revealed no pity and for that I was thankful - being a ghost was sad enough.

Mr Blackbourne cleared his throat, drawing my attention back towards him. "Are you hungry or tired now?"

Shaking my head, I told him how I had an apple from the cafeteria this morning.

"That's not enough," he said, displeased with my answer. Dr Green agreed and suggested that we get some food together. My heart felt so full with the thought that engulfed my mind as the continued to plot how the next hour would go- they cared.

A giggle bubbled out of me. I felt like floating away with the unfamiliar feeling.

Instead, I sank.


"Woah! Sang!!" Was the last statement I heard before sinking through the floor.

"Holy shit!!" Was the curse I heard as I entered the new room through its ceiling.

The room I fell down into seemed to be an English class room. Quotes from books and poems were hung up all around the room and the board had the task of the day written in white chalk which was to write an original poem and hand it in the next day.

"Mr Colman, I don't want to be handing out detentions on the first day of school, but as long as you explain why you've decided to I interrupt the class, I won't have to."

Mr Coleman- an attractive young man who had brown hair with two blond bangs and eyes wide with shock- looked absolutely speechless, staring straight at me. Beside him was another young handsome man with short brown hair, fringing his face and thick dark spectacles wearing the same expression. Surprisingly, Luke was also there, seated beside them, not looking as shocked as the other two- just slightly startled.

"I am waiting," huffed the teacher quickly loosing patience with Mr Coleman's lack of response.

"Say you saw a spider or something," I prompted, hoping to prompt the shocked man into speaking- I didn't want him to get in trouble from seeing me and reacting like any one would if they saw a ghost falling through the ceiling.

"S-spider," he stutter, nodding hurriedly and staring at me, "big spider."

The teacher rolled her eyes at  Mr Coleman, and at the slight panic he caused throughout the class (knowing a big spider is in the room and not being able to see it is pretty terrifying) and after spending a moment getting everyone to calm down, she continued with the lesson.

Luke subtly motioned me towards him with a small wave of his hand. Not wanting to Frighten the other two guys even more, I moved slowly and hoped that my smile was a little comforting .

"Hey Sang," he whispered softly to me, giving me a cheeky grin. "Nice entrance."

"Hi Luke," I replied, "I swear I didn't mean to do that."

"What the fu-" Mr Coleman began, cutting himself short from the stern glare for the teacher. He quickly scribbled down something on a stray price of paper before shoving it on the glasses guy's desk, who wrote a sentence under it before passing it along to Luke.

It read:

What the fuck Luke?!  How the shit do you know the sky lady with her cute little smile and beautiful hair who had just fallen through the fucking roof? And you didn't even think to tell me? AT ALL?!? And why can any one else see her?? I am so fucking pissed at you right now and I demand answers right now or I'll tell North about all your secret stashes of sugar.

What he said.

I let out a little giggle. Some where in the back of my mind, I reminded myself not to get so comfortable with having random people see me. But this was too much fun.

Luke must have though so too. He shared a conspiring wink with me before ignoring the sheet of paper all together. Instead he wrote to me and asked me to do a little teasing.

"Are you mad at me too?" I asked, trying to look a little hurt.

Mr Coleman shook his head furiously again and opened his mouth to reply before remembering that he was in class. He must have spotted something on my face too, because a grin slowly spread across his face. He wrote a single sentence on the next paper that was passed that read:

You are definitely trouble.

The bell for the end of class rang throughout the school and all of the students began to leave simultaneously. Luke, Mr Coleman and the third mystery person took as much time as possible packing their things.

"What a class," mused the glasses guy before smiling up at me. When will any of their smiles stop making me feel giggly? "I don't know much of what's going on," he continued, "but let me introduce myself; my name is Kota."

"And my name is Gabriel," Mr Coleman quickly inserted, "but you can call me Gabe, Trouble."

Tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, I introduced myself, "My name is Sang. Nice to meet you both. Sorry for dropping in and scaring you like that."

"You can drop in for any of my class Sang," Luke chuckled before whispering loudly, "And just between the two of us, I know it was much nicer meeting me than those two."

After receiving a clap on the back of the head from Gabe, we all began to make our way out of the classroom. As we turned to walk down the hall, we stopped as I saw a familiar face resting against the wall.

"You didn't think I'd let you get away from our lunch date, Miss Sang," Dr Sean teased.


Yeah...I sort of moved where AP English was..
And I'll be honest, writing Gabe as Mr Coleman several times in that chapter was weird.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and you've all had a good week so far!

See you in the next chapter!

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