The Iceman Case - Part 4

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When the girls were done with their time in the cafe, they decided to carry on skiing. Gathering their things, they paid for their purchases and left the café.

"I bet those detective maniacs are dragging poor Kazumi-chan around with them," Ran commented, a little heated.

Aoko sighed, "Well, they are relatives, Ran. It must run in their blood."

"Yea, but Kaito and Kazumi-chan aren't the children of Kudo Yusaku. So, they probably just like the excitement of it," Sonoko informed, snickering.

Aoko nudged her in the side, eliciting a surprised squeak from the girl. Aoko scowled to her, "What is there to be exited about a murder?"

Sonoko, not knowing the answer, gave a shrug and shook her head slightly. "I don't know. Although, I was only joking, Aoko."

Ran sighed, placing a hand on both of their shoulders. "Okay, let's not argue about this."

Sonoko raised an eyebrow to her, "Wait a minute, Ran. It was you who turned up this subject. Don't go playing the mediator."

Ran laughed slightly, "Sonoko. I just said that I hope Kaito and Shinichi aren't continuously dragging poor Kazumi-chan around, that was all."

Aoko nodded, "Okay, I apologise Sonoko. But don't joke about something like that."

Sonoko sighed this time, her shoulders sagging downwards in minimal defeat. "All right, my bad. But still... It wouldn't surprise me."

Kazuha, who was walking behind the arguing trio, laughed slightly. "Do you think that they'll be a bad influence on Kazumi-chan?" She asked sweetly, causing the three of them to turn around.

Aoko smiled to her, "Let's just hope they won't."

Kazuha nodded, "And Heiji might get annoyed if he gains another rival. If what you have told me about Kazumi-chan is right, then she might even surpass Kudo-kun and Kuroba-kun. Which I know, for definite, will annoy Heiji to the point of not wanting to be involved in the case.

Ran looked up, placing her right index finger on her chin. Her eyes drawn away by thought, "Oh yes, Hattori-kun rivals against Shinichi and Kaito. Well, Shinichi mostly."

Kazuha nodded again. "Yep. You should hear Heiji when he rambles on about how 'Kudo and Kuroba did it again, before I even noticed,' or 'why are Kudo and Kuroba always a step ahead?' Stuff like that really."

The other three girls took in that information, understanding the reason for the Osakan detective's hot-headed behaviour.

"Well, enough talk about the boys," Sonoko announced, clapping her hands together. "Let's do some skiing!"


"Okay. We saw the Iceman burying a dead person in the snow... right here." Mira admitted, both her tone and her expression a little sheepish.

Kaito, Kazumi, Shinichi and Heiji had to blink and wait a long, long moment, before speaking.

Kazumi felt her heart clench tightly in her chest, the pain erupting there just to the thought of these three young, innocent minded children having to see something so scarring and terrible.

Before her brother or the detectives behind her could speak, Kazumi quickly scanned the area around them. Her eyes looking deep into the trees, before she turned back to the children. "You kids shouldn't be here," she spoke, her voice in a low whisper.

Muno looked to her with a shrug. "But we wanted to see if we could find the Iceman, as he was trying to hide something."

Kazumi shook her head, and placed a hand on both Muno's shoulder and Mira's shoulder. Niki, who was stood between them, looked to her a little worried. "You guys have no idea what could happen to you when you're alone out here."

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