Chapter 1

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A theif and ex-theif were due to have twins. They were delighted to know that they were having both a baby boy and a baby girl.

Chikage's water broke a day before the due date, but if babies were a few days early it was alright because it was a regular thing. And so that settled a household of panic down to the ultimate minimum.

After an hour and a half through labour, Kaito was born. And not long after him came Kazumi, making Kaito the older one. They were both bubbly and healthy babies, which made Chikage and Toichi happy and relieved.

Toichi held their new born son while Chikage held their new born daughter. They're resemblance was very similar but also different at the same time. They didn't care what their babies looked like, they were just happy to know that they were perfectly healthy.

Toichi smiled to his wife and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. He leant down and gently kissed the top of his new baby son's head and then placed a soft gentle kiss on his new baby daughter's forehead, making her giggle. His smile widened to the happiness and joy illuminating. This was something that he wouldn't trade for the world.


Two years later, Kazumi and Kaito had grown into energetic and happy children that communicated with everyone and would always turn people's frowns upside down with their cheery attitude. The two of them became so close, it was almost impossible to see one little Kuroba without the other, especially when they practised magic. The pair of them were known as the little magicians of the family.

Toichi kept the fact of him being KID The Phantom Thief a secret from his children. But he was pleased to know that he had them to pass on his magic to.

Kazumi and Kaito shared a very similar resemblance, and so it was obvious that they were twins. Except for the fact of Kazumi having hair alot longer than her twin brother. And Kaito looked alot like their cousin Shinichi, who was the son of their uncle Yusaku from their father's side.

Due to Toichi and Yusaku being born in different marriages, their names were different. Yusaku having his father's name Kudo and Toichi being born two years later, having his father's name Kuroba.

Shinichi also enjoyed spending time with his cousins, and they would visit each other very frequently so they were close.

That was the life for them. Happy, enjoyable, entertaining and fun. Something that they all thought would last forever.

Their happiness died when a tragic event happened to the baby girl of the Kuroba family. This event left them heartbroken and depressed. Never had they imagined this ever happening.


One day when Kazumi was at play school, her class went outside to the park outside of the school. The people looking after the children were close by and were watching over them. They obviously weren't watching the children closely enough.

Alone, Kazumi was playing in the sand box which was the closest part to a large forest. Unknown to Kazumi and the others, were three men watching the playground from deep inside the forest, so they weren't noticed.

Out of the blue, a large hand holding some white material covered both Kazumi's mouth and nose. Within the next second, her small body went limp and she fell down unconscious. The man then lifted her up into his arms and ran back into the forest then disappeared from sight.

It was about three minutes later when one of the day carers noticed the absence of a child. She ran around trying to look for a girl of two years old who was wearing a white blouse with red dotted sleeves and a red skirt. But to her misfortune, Kazumi was no where to be seen.

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