Chapter 21 Almost Normal

Start from the beginning

Ya my aunt loves shopping, she calls it retail therapy. Ha ha, don't get me wrong I love shopping to but I don't think I need a hundred pairs of shoes."um, Ok, can I visit with David for a little while first?" I asked

"ya, sure we will leave around 12:30 or so sound good?"

I nodded my head in response because I had a mouth full of food. The door bell rang telling me David was here. I took a sip of my Oj and answered the door. Even though I looked like hell I didn't care.I opened the door to see a handsome David standing there with a surprised expression.

"good morning." I said

"morning, you look beautiful even in you pjs." he laughed.

I looked down at what I was wearing, ha ha so ya I looked pretty funny wearing my pink snoopy shorts and tank top. My hair was probably a wreak but he still managed to compliment me.

"I do what I can." I giggled and pretended to pose like I was a model.

We walked into the kitchen so I could finish my breakfast.

" good morning David." my aunt greeted him

"morning Mrs. Beadsley."

"call me Jenni or Jen you don't have to call Mrs." She told him.

He smiled and nodded his head in understanding. I finished my breakfast and David and I just hung out. I told him that my aunt was taking me shopping later so I would have to text him when I got back.

I finally got myself dressed and ready to go with my aunt. I showed David the whole house and introduced him to my uncle. My uncle was a little hesitant but of course he is he is over protective and don't like that I'm dating. He probably never will. David went home around noon and my aunt I headed out for a girls day.

"So David seems like a nice boy." My aunt said

"ya, he is so sweet."

We made small talk ya know she needed the four one one on this boyfriend of mine. I told her about yesterday and how nice he was, I told her what he said to me. She just smiled. We pulled into the mall parking lot and parked the car.

The first place we went was to this little nail shop and got out nails and toes done. Then we made our way around to 100 stores and bought at least 1 thing from all. I got some really cute cloths and shoes for school. My aunt bought herself some new things too and got my uncle a few suits. We walked by "LIDS" and I asked aunt jenni if we could go in. She looked at me weird because I didn't where hats. But David did, we walked around the store and I seen a perfect hat, I asked her if we could get it for him and she said yes, of course. My aunt loves me but she did inform me I was on dish duty for a few days to pay for it. I was ok with that, he will look so hot in this hate.

After about 3 hours of shopping and alot of money spent we grabbed something to eat and went home. I took all my new stuff to my room and put it away and text David.

~hey stud, I'm home.~

~sweet, I'm helping my dad right now I will come over later ok?~

~ok, good I got you something~

~u did? u didn't have to, having u is more then enough.~

~awe ur so sweet.~

After I was done texting him I through on my swim suit and joined my aunt in the pool. We floated around talking and enjoying the sun, even though she burns like a lobster she still loves the sun.

"So is David coming back over today?" She asked

"ya, later if its ok, he is helping his dad."

"well maybe we can have a cook out, and he can stay for dinner." she said.

"ok, I am glad your not strict, mom and dad would have had a cow if I even had asked if he could come over."

My parents did not even like the fact I talked to boys, kinda like my uncle. Yes aunt jenni is not to fond of the idea but she knows it will happen and she feels that its better to accept it and allow for me to have them at the house there for Im not sneaking around. Which she knows I did with my other boyfriends because I would always hangout here with them. I never went past kissing and touching with a boy, I'm not ready too.

"hey you two we have a guest here." My uncle interupted us

I turned my head to see who it was and I turned a little to far and ended up rolling off my floaty into the pool. I came up to the surface and they where all laughing there heads off at me.

" oh, ya you think thats funny do ya?" I asked them

I swam over to my aunt and grabbed her mattress and tipped her over. She came back up and looked at me like she was going to drowned me. We both communicated through our eyes because we both had the same idea. We swam together to the ledge where my uncle and David where standing. We gave them our hands asking for help up, but instead we pulled them int to the pool with us.

"now, is that funny." We both said in unison to my uncle and David.

"you will pay for this one Jennifer." my uncle said.

"oh ya how so." she laughed.

My uncle swam up to her and they where goofing around in the pool. They are so much in love its not even funny they remind me of 2 high school lovers rather then adults.

We all splashed and played around in the pool for awhile. Then my aunt and uncle got ready to make dinner. We all sat around the patio just talking and having a good time. I finally felt some what like a normal girl with a normal family and I was loving it. I know I should not be this happy because its not with my parents but, I cant be depressed forever, I have to move on and try to enjoy what life has to offer me, even if it may result in something bad.

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