Chapter 21

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I wake up and I see Andy with his head down on my bed.


Why did you do it?

I'm sorry Andy mom made me feel like a terrible mother I just thought for that moment that mike is better off without me but I'm ok now.

You sure are you going to do it again?

No because I see I'd hurt people if I'd die now I'm so sorry for what I did and I do want to live.

Ok okay good

The nurse overheard us.

Ok that's good to hear you guys but you still have 2 more days here so you can heal.

I look at my wrists

Oh wow it was really deep

Then I look at the feeding tube and pull it out.

Cassie you can't do that

Nurse puts it back in.

I cry but how can I know how many calories your feeding me?

Andy has an idea

Hey nurse how about if she only has it when I have to leave the hospital will that wrk for you guys?

And you will be there making sure she eats when you can be here?


Ok let me ask the doctor.

30 minutes later

Hi I'm doctor amber I'm your doctor and it's ok to do Andy's idea as long as you eat ok.

Ok fine

Ok good

She takes back off the feeding tube.

Ok your all set to go I also want to check your vitals.


Well your heart is ok
Your temp is ok and now your weight
75 pounds ok that's good you gained 10 pounds from the tube.

I get off the bed

Andy can we walk?

If that's ok with the doctor.


Sure go ahead just say in the hospital.


We go for a walk (to try to burn off some calories)

Your doing good Cassie

Yeah I guess so how's mike?

He's doing great.

Does he know?

No he doesn't.

Ok good I don't want him to know.

He won't know it's to sad for him and he might not understand it either.

We get back to my room and I'm tired out.

Can I take a nap?

Yeah sure says the doctor.

Andy please stay with me.

Ok hun

Andy comes and lays down with me and I fall asleep.

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