Chapter 8

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When I get out of the shower I see Andy crying with a movie in the DVD player.

Andy what's wrong?

It's you your not getting any better.

Oh ok then

I go on my way to the couch next thing I know is that I passed out.


What is it?

Oh my god

She passed out on the floor

Her lips are blue

Is she gone?

No she's cold grab a blanket give it to me then call 911.

Ok got it

Cassie come on wake up

The Ambulance shows up and picks me up and takes me to the er.

Her electrolyte levels are bad and her glands are swollen fix her electrolyte levels and make her stable feed her through tubes till she wakes up he potassium level is low to and make sure she gets plenty of water I'm gonna talk to her family.

Ok Doctor rose.

Hey guys I'm Doctor rose are you her family members?

No but she has no one else were all she has left.

Is she ok?

No she's gonna live but here come sit down.

Ok well her electrolyte and her potassium levels are bad we are treating that so she should be ok.

But her glands are swollen witch means she has been engaging in self induse

Has she been diagnosed with an eating disorder before?

No but we know she's been doing that and looked up found out she might have one most likely bulimia but I don't know.

Ok we are gonna call an psychologist to determine if she has and eating disorder and if so what kind and we'll go from there.

That sounds great cause I'm not helping even when I try it's like nothing's working.

Yeah people with eating disorders don't fully recover unless they get more help then just a friend or family member helping.

See Andy that's what I've been trying to tell you it's an mental disease son.


Do you know when she's gonna wake up?

She should wake up within the 24hr period.

Ok good

They all sleep next to my bed when their waiting for me to wake up.

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