Chapter 19

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We get home and Andy's dad is back

Hi guys wow Cassie you look sick hun.

Yeah well she didn't eat when we were gone says Andy.

Oh wow

Yeah but we had an Doctor appointment to see if she's ok to stay home and doctor said it's ok.

Oh ok

Andy gets an call

Ring ring ring

God dammit

What is it Andy?

I'm sorry Cassie but your moms been trying to call I texted her just to tell her your ok and living with me since she don't know where I live.

Oh my god!

I start panicking

Cassie it's ok but maybe you should talk to her.

I don't want to!

She won't stop calling till you do hun.

Ok fine!

I call her

Cassie Ann Marie!

Why the fuck did you run away!

I start crying

Cause you were going to take mike away from me and you took Andy away from me I got tired of the control you had over me that's why!

I was doing it for Mikey's sake cause you were laying down and tired sleeping all the time.

Mom I made sure he was ok tho and he did wake me up if he wanted to play and I made sure everything was safe for him, doors locked and everything up that he can't get ahold of.

Cassie it doesn't matter you were acting like a bad mother to him.

I'm not a bad mother mom

Oh yeah how are you paying for his food and things he needs?

Ssi money and I'm getting a job soon.

Ok how about school how are you taking him to school?

Andy is with me or I call an bus if he's at work and I ride with him to his school.

I start crying even more.

Is he potty trained?


Is Andy helping with everything?

Not everything just cooking and sometimes driving.

Ok then but why were you so lazy?

You want to know why it's cause of you I was depressed cause of you I starting cutting and not eating and if I did I would purge.

Oh my god Cassie that right there is not healthy for mike to be around!

Yeah I know that I just got to stressed and it felt like that they were the only thing that I can control thanks to you!

Do you know what you were doing to me is emotional abuse and the hitting was physical abuse even tho you did it when you thought I was being mouthy?

Where did you get that from Andy?!

No I'm getting help from an therapist and she said it was wrong what your doing!

I just cry harder

I can't do this anymore goodbye mom I hate you!

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