Chapter 23

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I wake up to a phone call

Ring ring ring


Hello I'm your nutritionist amber I'm going to meet you over at the hospital where your staying is that ok?


Ok I'm on my way


1 hour later

Hi I'm Cassie's nutritionist can I get her weight please?

Yeah sure

Cassie we need to weigh you your nutritionist is here.

Ok (finally I can see how much I weigh)

I step on the scale

Ok 73 pounds it's better then what you were.

Ok how are you doing with eating?

She's eating without purging we're locking the bathroom door for now so she gets what she needs for her cuts to heal.

Ok by the way Andy told me what happened.

I'm glad your ok

Ok back to your eating so three meals a day then?


Ok that's good

Now that we meet I want to apologize about last week Andy said he was off on a trip so I didn't call.

It's ok

Did you tell my therapist to Andy?

Yes I did


Now this here is what I want to to do ok I want you to write what you eat not the calories cause one we need to stop thinking about calories and think about proteins, calcium, veggies, fruits and things like that and I will count the calories and fats for you but you will not see them.

I start freaking out why the hell cant I know that?!

Cause calories and fats is your eating disorders enemy it will just make your eating disorder worse.

Ok (at least they don't know about my app)

I will need to see your phone for diet apps.



Fuck you! fine whatever!

I give her my phone

Ok yeah I see lots of apps I'm not going to delete them cause you'll just get them back on but I'm going to challenge you to not use it for one day a week for now and we'll go up the better you do ok.

No I can't

Yes you can I believe in you says Andy just think of it your doing it for mike.

Ok fine

One more day then I'm out of this shit hole (so I can purge again)

Yup says Andy

Ok well nice meeting you Cassie I must go.

Ok bye


The doctor walks in to check my wrists.

They are healing that's good time for vitals your heart is good everything is good.

Here's your breakfast pancakes, hash browns and toast (650 calories)

The doctor locks the door and says enjoy.

Yeah sure (not)

I eat at all and I feel gross so I lay down and watch tv.

The girl with a "happy" face Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя