Talk my ear off

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We had all finally graduated from that hell was stressful the last month because we were so busy getting everything in order so we can graduate,applying  at jobs, thinking about college and things like that.So the group hasn't been hanging out as much lately.The gang decided to go to the same college here so we wouldn't be separated. It was also the middle of summer and I'm glad all of that is taken care of and I'm back to hanging out with my friends.

I had screwed up my sleeping schedule and have been eating junk food 24/7. We mostly stayed up telling ridiculous stories and watching movies.We all took turns sleeping at each others houses. One night when we were camping in Rays backyard, Clara called at 2am explaining that her father caught her drunk and was sending her away to rehab.Everyone cheered at the good news that we wouldn't have to deal with her stupidity anymore.

Gee's birthday had also passed in April so he's officially 18. I don't turn 18 until October which is a bummer cause I don't know how much longer I can keep that box in my closet. Gee makes me the happiest I've ever been, I know I'm young but I'm crazy in love with him. I bought him a ring hoping I could propose to him showing him that no matter where we are I'll always love him. I thought about it for a long time and it's going to be a year since we meet last summer tomorrow and it would be the perfect opportunity to tell him.It's hard not letting him know that he's the only one I can ever see myself to grow old with. I just hope he feels the same way.


I told Gee to meet me at the spot where I had set up a nice dinner which consisted of spaghetti and meatballs with ice cream for desert, rose petals on the floor and candles all over the place. I know it's really cliche but I couldn't think of anything else. I was so nervous I thought I was going to throw up my heart. I had moved the couches to the side and cleaned the place up a bit.

"Hey babe,how are you?" I greeted him as he came through the door that we now used instead of the window. "I'm good Frankie poo ,now that I'm here with you." I grinned and guided him towards the table. "Woah what's all this Frankie?" he asked as he looked around.I chuckled nervously as I sat across from him. My heart was pounding so fast I thought I was going to pass out. I had to tell him before I freaked out. "You know today marks our one year of meeting and wanted to do something special so remember that box you saw a couple months ago?" I asked. He seemed to be thinking quite hard about it. "Oh yeah! It had a green bow on it right?"
"Yep,well I've finally decided to show you what's inside." I said.
"Really??" He excitedly squealed.

I took the box from under the table and placed it on the table. His eyes had gotten wide with curiosity. He grabbed the box and ripped the bow off of it. It felt like the longest 5 seconds of my life. I had filled it with a bunch of wrapping tissue in case he decided to peak in it. I put it in a big box so he wouldn't be suspicious of what it actually was. Because if you saw a small velvet box you know what that meant. He finally reached the end of the tissue and his eyes landed on the small dark green velvet box. He looked up at me surprised. "Go ahead open it,it's not gunna bite." I chuckled. His fingers stumbled around the box and finally opened it.


As my fingers grazed the box, I opened it slowly. Inside was a gold ring engraved with 'forever yours'. I was speechless I couldn't believe what I was looking at! Frank kneeled down beside me and looked up at me with hopeful eyes. "Will you Gerard Way make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" I looked deeply into his eyes getting lost once again like I always do."YES OF COURSE A MILLION TIMES YES!"I screamed and jumped into his arms. I got his shirt wet from my tears. I pulled him in for a kiss and it felt just like the first one. Filled with fireworks. I was so happy I could've passed out! I had to call the guys. "HEY GUYS GUESS WHAT?" I screamed into the phone getting ready to talk their ears off.

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