A nightmare on elm street

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The next few days were like nothing had happened. I didn't see Clarissa at school,like always she's never here. When the bell rang for last period to end Frank was outside my classroom waiting for me. He grabbed my hand and we started walking towards the back of the school to meet up with Ray and Mikey. I asked frank "Do you think Mikey has any feelings for Ray? They spend a lot of time together"
" I dunno, Ray is a complex guy but i hope he does. They'll make a good couple."he said
I'll have to ask mikey about it later. When we got to them, we started walking to Ray's house. We always rotate between our houses just to spice things up and to have a change of scenery.

We started talking about our days. Mikey's was by far the weirdest. A girl told him he looked like David Bowie then stole his pencil to write 'David Bowie was actually female died in 2007 and then got cloned' and started talking about David Bowie conspiracies. Poor Mikey he always gets the weirdos. As we entered Ray's house I sat on his couch to play video games with him then Frank and Mikey made smores and practiced their  guitar and bass skills. I have to admit Frank is really good at it.

"I'm going to go outside and play with your dogs okay,Ray?" I stated as I got killed in Call of Duty. Mikey continued in my spot. Ray had a big German Shepard named max. "baby can you come with me?" I asked Frank. He put the guitar down with a "Sure babe". Frank was obsessed with dogs even though I was more of a cat person. When we were done playing with Max we sat on a hammock that was tied between two trees.

I laid there with Frank's arm around me in silence for a few minutes enjoying each others warmth. He looked at me with his green eyes staring deeply into mine then whispered: "I love you."
I was shocked. I wasn't expecting it, it was so sudden.
"It's okay if you don't feel the same way I just wanted you to know how I feel. and I've never felt this way about anyone." He added.
I smiled at him then gave him a kiss that was filled with love. When I tilted my head Back,parting our lips I said: " I love you too Frankie, so much." His eyes shown with happiness. "I'm so happy Gee you're the best boyfriend ever." But little did he know that our happiness would soon be interrupted by a certain girl.


When we came back inside Mikey teased "So which one of you guys got pregnant while you were outside?" Frank scoffed and said, "No baby you're the only one I want to have sex with." As he jumped on Mikey making him lose the game. Ray and I erupted in laughter as Mikes joke backfired. "HEY YOU MADE ME LOSE! But Ew gross! You're dating my brother,don't talk to me like that" He retorted. After about 10 minutes of talking, we heard a faint knock at the door.

Ray got up and opened it thinking it was the pizza guy but standing in the doorway was Clarissa. "What are you doing here?" Ray asked surprised. "I wanted to talk to Frank,I went to his house but he wasn't there so I decided to come here" She explained. "Well he's not here and you're wasting your time." He spat back ." Hey, what's taking so long we're hung-" Frank came from behind Ray. His face immediately showing concern. Uh oh "Hey Frankie!" Her voice echoed through the house. "Don't call me that only my friends can call me that." He bitterly said.

"Okay, sorry Frank can we have a minute outside? Alone?" She said while looking inside the house and saw Mikey and I staring at her. "Sure but make it quick I have things to do." He said joining her outside.


"Listen I'm really sorry about what I did to you last year.I was in a bad place but I got help and I'm better now. Maybe we can be friends again?" She pleaded. She sounded sincere but I don't think I can trust her again. She did a terrible thing to me,I don't think I can forgive her but I can tolerate her for today. "If I let you hang out with me and the guys will you promise to leave me alone?"I said in hopes that she would understand I didn't want her around. "Yeah, totally just this once! I want to know what you've been up to!"she shrieked. We needed to get this over as fast as possible. I thought. As we walked into the  house the guys looked at me like wtf is she doing here.Especially, Gee, he looked like he was going to throw punches. I mean who can blame him. She's my ex but I have eyes only for him. He's my one and only.  "Clara is going to be hanging out with us today,and only for today right? I announced looking at Clara."yep,I'm the special guest!"  she proudly told us all."We should watch a movie." I suggested. I love movies I'm always down to watch movies no matter what.

We let Clara pick one out. Just for the sake of her leaving. Out of all of the movies she had to pick A Nightmare on Elm street. "Do you remember this Frankie?" she giggled. That was the movie we saw on our first date. "Yeah great movie,have you seen this one Gee?" I asked knowing it'll get on Clara's nerves. It seemed to be working because she put on her mad face which consists of squishing her lips together and rolling her eyes. We all sat on rays big couch that's right in front of the tv in the living room.Ray was at the end,then Mikey. They sooo like each other, I can tell then it was Gee,me and,Clara.We turned off the lights when we were halfway into the movie Clara kept trying to get closer to me and press the side of her body into mine. She also tried to grab my hand.Hopefully, Gee didn't see this or otherwise he's going to think things. I cuddled up closer to Gerard and put my hand in his with my other hand in my pocket.When she put her hand on my leg and started to move it up I had enough and announced: "I'm going to get some soda do you guys want anything?"

"Nope we're good," Ray said speaking for all of them. As I walked into the kitchen I got a Coca-cola can. Then came the drama queen. "I changed my mind I actually am thirsty I want something to drink."she slowly said looking at me as she passed me on her way to the refrigerator. Yeah, you're always thirsty for any guy who pays attention to you I thought. Then she got out the Sprite and stood next to me to pour her own drink. "You know I'm not sure why you're dating that emo kid I mean are you sure you're even gay? Or did he force you into being with him? because I can straighten you out again."she said as she pushed me into the corner of the kitchen."No, he didn't turn me gay,I like him for who he is and you need to learn about boundaries. Why can't you understand That i don't want you anymore, I want Gee AND don't you dare talk bad about him,you don't know him."I said anger quickly building up in me.

She looked hurt but still kept her cool."So you're playing hard to get hmm? Well two can play at that game." Then before I knew what was happening she grabbed my face with such force and crashed her mouth onto mine. I tried pushing her away but then I heard "Hey Frankie can you make me a milksha-" Clara let me go and I spun around to see Gee. He looked like he was about to cry at any second. His eyes cloudy like the tears could spill over. He ran out before I could say anything."Gee wait! it's not what it looks like!"I rushed out trying to chase after him but he was already gone."oopsie daisy guess that's over" Clarissa giggled. She had some fucking nerve to say that. "You need to go right now, I'm SERIOUS" I said with a stern voice trying not to yell at her.

"But why? that little freak is gone. now we can do whatever we want. "I DONT WANT TO BE WITH YOU! ITS OVER BETWEEN US. NOTHING IS EVER GOING TO HAPPEN. GET OUT OF MY LIFE." I yelled. She started crying then ran out like Gee had done only moments ago. She never wanted to make amends, she just wanted to sabotage my relationship with Gerard.

"What the hell is going on? Why did Gee run out? What did she do this time?" Mikey and Ray both started frantically asking questions. while I sat down getting ready to tell them what had happened, I tried  calling Gee to explain what had happened  but he didn't pick up.I couldn't help but think: did I just lose the love of my life?

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