The House

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"BOOM" the sound of my bedroom door closing filled my ears as I instantly opened my eyes and jolted up in fright.I looked over to my door from across the  room and saw a figure. It to took a couple seconds for my mind to process what I was actually seeing since I had just woken up in the worst way possible way. My mother was bent over grabbing a crumpled up paper from the floor that had a failure of a drawing on it. "Sorry did I wake you,honey?  Just trying to clean up a bit." She whispered.

I looked for my phone in the mess of covers and checked the time ,it read 8:20 AM in big numbers  against my cat background. I groaned and threw myself back down.I did not need this right now! I thought. I turned over to lay on my side and closed my eyes again in an attempt to fall back asleep. But It was useless. I forced myself up and trudged downstairs to eat something cause I was starving. As I ate a bowl coco puffs in my Star Wars bowl. I know I'm a a nerd, what can I say? I remembered the mystery boy from yesterday and got excited to look for him while exploring the town. When I finished eating I raced to get dressed. I grabbed the first pieces of clothes that were on my bed which were black skinny jeans that were starting to lose color from how much I wear them,a plain red shirt just for the hell of having colors and my favorite over-sized Blink-182 jacket and my red scribbled on converse.I grabbed my phone, put my headphones on to listen to The Used while passing my mom sitting at the kitchen table and telling her that I'm going out and with that I set off down the street.

It was a normal looking neighborhood with big houses on both sides and people walking around cleaning their yards. I walked for about twenty minutes until I reached this dirty run down was painted grey with slabs of wood across the windows,the grass looked like a jungle and there was a shit ton of spider webs. It looked just like the house from Monster House. (Which by the way was an amazing movie.) In my old hometown, I had a secret place in a fort that was in a forest that I would spend hours in,just relaxing and drawing. So I thought this was a perfect place to make my hang out spot since I don't think anyone would want to come to a house that looks haunted. .I circled the house to find a way in and luckily found an open window to climb through. I landed on the floor with a thud and a cloud of dust flew everywhere making me cough. As I'm flailing my arms to get the dust away from me. The little bit of sunshine that creeps through the small openings of the windows gave me just enough light to see a human shadow move from the corner of my eye.

I'm instantly filled with fear as I think IM GOING TO GET MURDERED AND I HAVENT EVEN BEEN IN THIS TOWN FOR TWO DAYS .I was frozen in place. All I could do was stare at the figure in front of me. It was still so dark in the house that I couldn't make out what they looked like. They start to walk across the dusty room and I can see their silhouette  remove a piece of wood from one of the windows. As the sunlight floods through the building I'm blinded for a few seconds,until I look up and I am shocked as I never expected to see him here but it was the mystery boy from yesterday and he was staring right at me.

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