"What's so funny?"

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My fear settled down immensely knowing it wasn't some 40 year old man with an ax but a kid my age. There I was staring at this boy I knew nothing about. Which I can now see that his eyes are a nice shade of green. All I could think to do was say "uhhhh what are you doing here?". He blinked a few times before finally responding with a playfully sarcastic "What are YOU doing here?" His voice as weird as this may seem,suited him.

"I just moved into town and was getting to know the place when I came across this house and wanted to make it my spot where I hang out." I explained myself while looking around the room that only had one piece of furniture which was a couch.

He started chuckling and I was curious as to what could be so funny from my explanation. "What's so funny?" I asked. He looked to the ground then back up at me "You should've seen your face when you saw me,it was priceless!" I felt my cheeks getting red with embarrassment. His eyes were better adjusted to the dark than mine were when I came through the window. He could make out what I looked like faster than I could make out what he looked like. I gave him this look that said "don't try me" and said "well what did you expect,I thought you were some kind of murderer!"

When those words came out of my mouth I instantly started laughing because I realized how silly i seemed. "Hey man, no worries, I would've thought the same thing." He reassured me as I finished my much needed laugh.

Im not gunna kid myself,he had an extremely attractive face and is pretty short which was added cuteness. I sat down and put my back against the dirty wall with my legs crossed over one another. He sat about two feet in front of me with his legs also crossed and he was playing with the zipper of his jacket.He looked up at me and gave me this look as if he was analyzing my face. I felt insecure and asked "so you never said what you were doing here." To try to his attention somewhere else.

"Oh right! This is Rays and I special spot where we come to hang out. It's pretty run down but Ray; my best friend and I have been coming here since we were kids so it's special to us." He said looking in my direction."but you're welcome to join us if you like, since you're new and i don't have many friends around here. He added

I smiled at the thought of making new friends especially with this kid. "Yeah that'll be really nice!"I responded.His face seemed to light up. Literally and figuratively as his phone screen lit up to a spam of messages from someone.

"Oh crap! I'm late,I'm supposed to meet Ray! He was supposed to go to my house and help me with something." I checked my phone too and it said 3:30. We both stood up and I outstretched my hand to him. "It was nice meeting you-uhhh" I said realizing I never got his name. He looked down at it for a second, smiled then shook it.  "Frank,Frank Iero" he said proudly. His name had a really nice ring to it.
"My name's Gerard Way" I returned the favor. "I like that, it's unique." He complimented.
No one has ever said my name was "unique" and quite frankly (excuse the pun) I started to like it more.
As he made his way toward the window I came in though he turns around and says "See ya later Gerard!"
I waved and said " See you around Frank!"

And with that he disappeared to meet his friend.I felt kinda lonely since I was having a nice time talking to frank and wanted to get to know him more but realized I was only halfway through my mission for the day so I went through the window and headed for the town.

I started walking back home at around 8.I was exhausted by the day's events so when my mom and mikey greeted me and asked me how my day was I said good and wolfed down my dinner. I skipped straight to my wonderful bed that I love soooo much. As soon as my back hit the sheets. I thought of Frank,it seems moving here wasn't that bad after all. I couldn't wait to tell Mikey everything in the morning.

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