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As I'm was walking to my house from the abandoned house I kept thinking about Gerard. He gave off this interesting vibe, I don't know what about him makes me want to be his friend but he seems- My thoughts were quickly interrupted as I hear ray screaming as I walked up my driveway. I couldn't see him at first but then out of thin air he came running towards me. "FRANKKK!!" he yells disturbing the whole neighborhood."ARE YOU READY TO LEARN THE GUITAR PRETTY BOY?"

"HELL YEAH MAN I'VE BEEN DYING AND WHERE TF DID YOU COME FROM??" I screamed, matching his enthusiasm while genuinely confused.
With a smile on his face he says "My fro has special magic powers that transports me everywhere"
Typical ray answer i think.

~3 painful hours later of  Ray attempting to teach 2 brain celled frank how to play guitar~

"Soooo what have you been up to today Frankie poo" Ray taunts
"Don't call me that! but nothing just the usual" I respond but suddenly I remembered about Gerard again"Oh yeah I also meet this new dude, Gerard that just moved in, he was at our spot."
Ray cooed "Ooooh is he cute or is he cuuuuuute?"
I was taken aback as I hadn't thought about Gerard in that manner but now that I think about it he was actually really cute."Yeah man he's cuuuuute 10/10 and he has this vibe about him I don't know how to explain it but it makes you want to get to know him PLUS BEST OF ALL he's as emo as me. As impossible as that sounds"

Ray just laughs. He knows I'm weak for a cute boy. "Hey tomorrow we should go to the spot and I'll introduce you." I suggest
Ray just nods and says" yeah maybe I'll end up stealing  your boo ;)"
I blush at the thought of Gerard being my 'boo' as Ray likes to say
  "Okay FIRST of all he's not my boo.....yet! and SECOND of all, did you really just say winky face emoticon?"
"YES AND IT'S GOING TO BE REVOLUTIONARY" Ray yells and as he struggles to get on my bed and wrap a blanket around his neck like a cape. "Why are we even friends" I sigh as I brush my bangs out of my face.

~ time lapse to later that night~

Stuffing my face with pizza is one of my favorite things to do so naturally that's what Ray and I did.
2 pizzas later we decided to watch a movie since Ray was going to stay the night and fall asleep watching it.
It was my turn to pick the movie so I chose sixteen candles cause who doesn't like a classic once in a while. When the movie got to the kissing part i imagined what it was like to feel Gerard's lips against mine.

I got this warm feeling in my stomach and it made me smile. I know we only meet today but damn he's just so beautiful and nice. 30 minutes into the movie Ray was already fast asleep so I rolled onto my stomach and closed my eyes drifting to sleep still thinking about the boy I would see tomorrow.

The Abandoned house(Frerard)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora