Stick To The Status Quo

Start from the beginning


Open up dig way down deep

"Hip hop is my passion! I love to pop and lock and jam and break!" Danielle said while showing some moves she's learning. One braniac asked her if that's even legal.

Not another peep

"It's just dancing. Sometimes I think it's cooler than homework." She defended herself.


No no no no!

No no no

Stick to the stuff you know

It is better by far

To leaving things as they are

Don't mess with the flow no no!

Stick to the status quo!

Another had skaters. Snowboarders, Skateboards, any skating you can think of. But there's has to be one skater that's different from the others.


Listen well I'm ready to tell

About a need that I cannot deny

Dude theres no explanation

For this awesome sensation

But Im ready to let it fly


Speak your mind and you'll be heard

"Alright, if Harry wants to be a singer... then Im coming clean! I play the cello!"


"Awesome! What is it?" The skater dude made a motion that it look like he's playing the cello. "A saw?!"


"No, dude, it's like a giant violin!"


Not another word


"Do you have to wear a costume?"


"Coat and tie."


No! No no no

Stick to the stuff you know

It is better by far leaving things as they are

Don't mess with the flow no no!

Stick to the status quo


No! No no no

Stick to the stuff you know

It is better by far leaving things as they are

Don't mess with the flow no no!

Stick to the status quo

Now the entire cafeteria is madness! People are running, and dancing around. Taylor was furious and confused at the same time. Why does everyone have a secret to hide?! "This is not what I want. This is not what I planned. And I just gotta say. I do not understand. Something is really."


"Somethings not right"


High School Musical (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now