Chapter 3

852 6 2

March 31st

William's Pov

Call me xxx-xxx-xxxx ~Noah

A blush comes to my face as I think about this wonderful girl, who I barely know. Even though I just met her today, I can tell she is the one for me. Man I sound so cheesy! 

Suddenly, Leo comes up and sits down right next to me. I had been sitting in the opposite corner as everyone else, alone, since Noah left.

"Why are your cheeks red Willie?" he asks quizically. I just smile and roll my sleeve up so he can see the writing on my arm. He looks at it and then looks back at me. "OHH WIL-" he starts yelling but I cut him off by putting my hand over his mouth. The boys give us weird looks but we just brush it off.

"No, dont tell anyone, I want to make sure it works out first." I say, and he nods.

To celebrate our win, we all go over to my apartment.

*at William's apartment*

We have been hanging out all night, and I know if im going to be ready for my 'date' with Noah and Jax tomorrow, I need to kick everyone out soon.

"Hey Willie, do you want to come to the Beyonce and Jay-Z concert with us tomorrow at 1:00pm?" one of the guys asks. I think for a minute, that would be a boss concert, but Im going with Noah tomorrow. I'd rather hang oit with her and Jax.

"No, I have plans tomorrow." I say, bracing myself for a bunch of questions. All the guys jump onto me asking what my plans are. These guys are crazy, but I love them.

Noah's Pov

*the next morning*

Me and Jax do our usual morning routine and then I dress him in his outfit for today.

Me and Jax do our usual morning routine and then I dress him in his outfit for today

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I leave Jax to play and quickly change into my outfit for the day. I leave my hair down, but sraighten it and wear no makeup, because I can.

 I leave my hair down, but sraighten it and wear no makeup, because I can

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As you should be able to tell by now, me and Jax don't dress fancy. The only time I have dressed Jax in something even a little bit fancy was when we went to his parent's funeral, but he doesn't remember that.  

After me and Jax are both ready I look at the clock to see that its 11:50. I turn off the lights and everything, so I dont have to run around when William gets here. Soon enough william gets here and knocks on the door. I open it to reveal a very handsome William Nylander. "Hi Noah." He says wrapping me and Jax in a hug. " And hi Jax!' He says, tapping Jax on the nose, making him giggle and reach his arms out to William. Will grabs Jax and holds him after looking at me for approval, to which I nodded. We all walk towards William's truck, and head to the local ice cream place. 

"Hello, what kind of Ice Cream would you like today?" A short, old lady with a warm smile asks from behing the counter. I look down at the display case with all the different flavors and see William do the same. I decide what I want and decide Jax will just have vanilla because he seems to like it. 

"I'll have chocolate please." Will says then looks towards me. I tell him vanilla for Jax and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough for me. He looks at me as if to say 'good choice'. The nice lady nods and says it will be ready in a minute. After a long fought battle over who would pay, we came to a compromise where he paid for him and me, and I payed for Jax, since he was my son. I take the money from him and get some out of my wallet while William goes to sit down with Jax and I wait for the ice cream to be ready. the lady returns with our ice cream and sees its only me so she grabs a tray to put them in. I smile at the nice lady and go to sit down with the boys.

As I approach the table, I see William pointing out the window and Jax laughing at whatever had previously happened. "Here you go." I say as I put the ice cream down on the table and buckle Jax into a highchair that they had in the corner. I give Jax his ice cream and then start to eat mine.

We continue to eat our ice cream and talk until we are all done, and Jax has it all over his face. Surprisingly, he managed to keep it off his clothes, I have no idea how. I wipe off his face and throw the wipe in the garbage. William takes Jax into his lap and I bring the highchair back to where we got it from. 

As I start walking back to our table, I notice Jax is crying and William is trying to calm him down. I decide to watch from a distance to see what he does. After he tries a couple different things he decides to just hug Jax and rock him in his arms. To William's surprise, Jax stops crying and cuddles into his shoulder, closing his eyes. William smiles with a very relieved look on his face. 

I smile too as I walk back over to our table with a wide smile on my face. "I saw that" I say and his eyes widen.


"Yeah you were great with him."

"Hey, would you like to come to my game on April 2nd?"

"I would, but I can't, tickets are very expensive."

"I got that covered, so you'll come then?"

"Yeah, why not."

"Ok, just go to the desk and tell them your name, they'll have 2 tickets, one for you and one for Jax."

"Thank you so much, you have no idea how greatful I am!"

"No problem, should we get going, I think Jax may be a little tired." He says looking down at a sleeping Jax in his arms.

"Yeah lets go!" I say and we're on our way to the place me and Jax spend all our time.

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