Chapter 1

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March 29th

Noah's POV

I roll out of bed and groan as I hear a cry coming from the next room over. im 19 years old, living without my parents, and raising a 10 month old baby, but I still hate getting out of bed.

Now, you may be wondering 'arent you a little young yo have a kid?' Well, yeah, I am, but little Jax didnt actually come from me. He is the son of my brother and sister-in-law, who both died in a car accident earlier this year, when Jax was only 3 months old. He was too young to understand what was going on, so he adjusted to living with me quickly.

I know that pretty soon, Jax is going to start talking, and calling me mommy, and Im not sure if Im emotionally ready. I was really close to my brother, Andrew and his wife, Allie, and their death really hit me hard. When Jax was born, I watched him alot considering Andrew was a school teacher, and Allie was a Nurse at the local Hospital.

Jax cries again, just as im about to fall back asleep, reminding me I need to feed him. Normally, he eats at about 8am, and for a couple of months he has been eating baby food instead of formula. Hes always been pretty good at sleeping through the night, and for that im really greatful.

By this time, I've forgotten about sleeping, and I get up to run to Jax's room. As I enter his nursery, I see him peeking through the holes in the crib wall. Seeing me, he cracks a smile and lets out a squeal of excitment. I laugh at his silliness and pick him up, walking down thw stairs and to the kitchen.

I grab one of Jax's 'Ella's Kitchen' babyfood packets from the fridge and hand it to him, then warm up some left over pancakes for me. I buckle Jax into his highchair, and sit at the breakfast bar next to him.

Once me and Jax both finish our food, I wash his face and hands and take him upsrairs to get dressed.

Today I decided to dress him in a Nirvana shirt, jeans with suspenders, a flannel to be open over top, and his white baby Converse Chuck Taylors.

Today I decided to dress him in a Nirvana shirt, jeans with suspenders, a flannel to be open over top, and his white baby Converse Chuck Taylors

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After that was done, I set him in his playpen and turned the TV on while I got ready.

Every night after Jax goes to bed, I have a shower so I dont have to in the morning, so all I had to do was get dressed, do my hair and put on a little bit of makeup. Today I decides to wear a crewneck, adidas sweatpants, and my grey converse chuck taylors. I also did my brown, long hair in two french braids.

The only things me and Jax needed to do today were; get grocieries, and go visit my parents, who have helped me alot with Jax

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The only things me and Jax needed to do today were; get grocieries, and go visit my parents, who have helped me alot with Jax.

"Lets go Jax!" I say as I walk back into my bedroom seeing him crawling from corner to corner of his play-pen. I laugh and pick him up, walking to the livingroom to grab my bag with my keys phone and wallet. After grabbing that, I walk out the door, after locking it of course, and head out onto the driveway to my ford raptor. After buckling Jax into his seat, I step back and glance at the house. If it werent for my parents, I wouldnt have such a nice house to share with Jax. My parents also helped pay for my truck, but that one was mostly me. I think Im really lucky to have this house, because its in toronto, and really expensive.

 I think Im really lucky to have this house, because its in toronto, and really expensive

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Enough about that. I get into the drivers seat and start the engine. The grocery store isnt to far away so I know Jax wont fall asleep, if he does now he wont sleep tonight.

Once me and Jax get to Target I unbuckle him and grab one of those carts with the baby seat in it, and put him into that. I then lock my truck and head into Target.

*skip shopping*

Now we are at my parents house and Jax is playing with my dad while I'm talking to my mom. "So, when do you think hes gonna start talking?" my mom asks.

"I dont know, but I have a feeling it will be pretty soon. He is almost a year old. I cant beleive my baby is growing so fast!" I say emotionally. Over these past 8 months I've started thinking of Jax as my own son, and when anyone asks if im his mom, I say yes without even thinking twice.

Looking at the clock, I realize its 4:30 already and me and Jax should get home. By the time I cook dinner and feed Jax, then eat dinner it will be time to bath Jax.

"Bye guys" I say to my parents after annoncing that we need to leave.

"Bye Noah, Bye Jax!!!" they say as we walk out the door. And to our beautiful home we go!

Noah, Jax, and The LeafsWhere stories live. Discover now