Chapter 17 ;)

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A/N: Helloooooooooooooooo :) Here I am........writing chapter 17......on time................YAYYYYYYYY:D

I'm gonna be honest here; I have quite the case of Writer's Block right now. It sucks. -.- I just want to dream about what should happen next, but it isn't happening /.- 

OH! And I would just like to thank you all for getting me to ALMOST 1,000 votes!! It is absolutely AMAZING!! 

Anyways, off you go :) Please don't forget to comment, vote, and shareeee <3 (I like hearing your opinions in the comments, it makes me happyy <3)

Sami's POV: (After Austin is released from the hospital)

It was 10:00 on a Wednesday night, two days after Austin arrived. He'd been released from the hospital Tuesday morning, the doctor telling him to stay in bed for 24 hours.
Alex, Robert, Zach, Dylan, Mel, and I were all lounging around the living room of my house watching Now You See Me. Well...we weren't really watching. Zach was asleep on the floor, Alex and Robert were playing some racing game on their phones, Dylan and Mel were making out the whole time (ew), and Austin and I were laying on the couch talking.

"We should all go to the mall tomorrow, since I'm finally off bed rest."

"Yeah, I think we should. I bet you're excited to finally leave the house."

"Definitely. I'm in need of something to do other than watch movies all day. Hey! We should do a Ustream tonight! I haven't tweeted that much since the accident, and I know the Mahomies heard about it...I feel kinda bad for not letting them know how I'm doing.."


"UGH SAMI! Shut up I'm sleeping." oops...?

"Erm....I mean....yeah...that's cool. It's not like I've always wanted to be part of an Austream or anything. Nope, not at all. Never came to mind. Never in my life. Okay, maybe once or twice...or 50....OKAY maybe I should just stop talking since your laughing now...okay yeah. Bye. Sorry."

"Oh my gosh Sami, it's fine! Hahaha I get it, you want to do a Ustream. It'll fulfill your life long dream!"

"WHAT nooooooo! That's actually not my life long dream, thank you very much."

"Oh really? Sure did sound like it just now when you couldn't stop rambling. 'Oh Austin, I'd love to be in your Ustream! It'll make my life worth living! If all goes well I can just be a guest star in all Austreams and I won't need a job!' " and then, because he was laughing so much, Austin tumbles off the couch onto Zach, still laughing.

"UGH Austin! I'm still trying to sleep, what'd you do that for? And you two seriously need to take classes on how to flirt quietly because you suck at it." And that, my friends, is how Zach got Austin to stop laughing all together. 

"Whatever man, sorry about that. But, we're gonna do a Ustream in a bit, do you wanna join?"

"Sure, wake me up when you start..." and he rolled away like a marble rolls down a hill (very fast), trying to get some undisturbed sleep.

When Austin crawled back onto the couch, the image of him rolling onto Zach played in my mind in slow motion, causing me to have a giggling fit. When I finally calmed down, Austin surprised me with a question.

"So, what is your life long dream then?"

"That's a good question, Mr. Mahone. I'm not so sure about that right now."

"Hmm...okay. Maybe I can try to help you with that in the future." And that comment made me smile, because the way he said it made me truly believe we'd be in each other's lives for a long, long time.

The Prank Call That Changed Everything (Austin Mahone)Where stories live. Discover now