Get To Know The Characters!

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A/N: Hi guys! Well...Right now, I have a total of 0 followers....BUT THAT'S OKAY!'s kind of depressing.... :( ANYWAYS!      Here's a little bit about the main characters so you get to know them a little before you start to read! Hope you enjoy! -Desiree <3

Sami- Full name is Samantha Rose Parks. She is 14 years old. Her Birthday is September 16th. She has blond, shoulder length, straight hair, and light brown eyes. She's 5'7" at an average weight. She's very insecure and hyper. She's also a HUGE Mahomie. She's the kind of girl who dreams about meeting Austin and they instantly fall in love, but understands that will most likely never happen. The #1 thing she likes to do is prank call random people on Skype. 

Mel- Full name is Melissa Hart. She's also 14 years old. Her Birthday is January 18th. She has waist length wavy brown hair and blue eyes. She's 5'5" and around the same weight as Sami. She's proud of her body but doesn'y brag about it. She loves to skateboard, and is just as hyper as Sami, thus one of the reasons for them being best friends. She loves Justin Bieber and thinks Austin Mahone is just copying Justin, so she's never really liked Austin that much. She's ALWAYS at Sami's house! And honestly, it's not just for Sami! Someone's got quite the crush on Sami's older brother, Dylan! 

Dylan- Full name is Dylan Parks. Sami's older brother. He's 17 years old. His Birthday is August 5th. He has blond hair and blue eyes. He's 5'10" and very protective of his little sister, Sami. He was the Quarterback on his High School Football team. But don't get me wrong! He's not the jerky kind of jock! He's the one who's willing to talk to anyone! I wonder who's got feelings for Mel...? Dylan has been trying to hide the fact that he's been in love with Sami's best friend for the past year, failing miserably. He's just worried his sister will hate him for having these feelings. Meanwhile, Sami's hoping Mel and Dylan confront each other about their feelings for each other soon. 

Julie- Julie Night-Parks. Proud mother of Dylan and Sami. Her husband divorced her when Sami was 5. 

Austin- Full name is Austin Carter Mahone. He's a 17 year old singer who started on YouTube. Originally from San Antonio, Texas, but moved to Miami, Florida for his management. His Birthday is April 4th. He's got dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He's 5'10". He's on Skype one night and gets a call from a random person (Sami).

Michele- Michele Mahone. Austin's supportive mom. 

Dave- Dave Brytus. Austin's bodyguard and one of his best friends.

A/N: Hi again! :P If you're reading this right now.....THANK YOUUUU! :D After I post the first chapter, I would really love you if you vote, comment or fan! It would make my day!

Before I goooooo!!!!!! I think I'll start calling my followers/fans (right now you're imaginary) Dezios! :P I'll probably end up changing that name later on.....OH WELLLLL!

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