Chapter 12

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I woke up in an awkward position. The bed was too small to fit two full grown people. If I were to turn onto my back, I'd fall off the bed. I was literally less than 2 cm away from the edge of the bed. Legolas was my pillar of support; he had a firm around my waist, keeping me from rolling of the bed like a barrel of wine. One of my legs rested upon his and acting as an anchor at the same time.

I felt his grip on my waist loosen up. "Good morning," Legolas wished. His voice deeper, softer and gentler than usual. Not going to lie, it was sexy. My heart skipped a beat. It gradually grew faster and faster as my eyes met his sea of blue. I greeted back, very shyly.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked, not moving from our tangled position.

"I did. What about you? Did you have a good night's sleep? Or did I move so much that it disrupted your sleep?"

"Aye, you move a lot in your sleep, hence this locking position. It didn't bother me one bit. I had a good rest, elves don't sleep."

"Right," I scoffed. "Don't tell me you drink blood too."

"I don't." His head tilted a little bit in confusion.

"Thank God, I thought you were going to pull an Edward Cullen on me."

"I don't want to know what an Edward Cullen is." He chuckled. So sexy. My heart.

I squinted and pointed an accusing finger at his chest. "You didn't watch me sleep like a creep, did you?"

"I tried not to. At least I'm a creep that keeps you from falling off the bed."

I giggled. He really needs to show his cute side more often. Now I understand why so many women wants him as a partner. Men like him are rare to come by.

I let myself drown in his gorgeous, unique blue eyes. His bright, beautiful eyes make mine look dull and boring. It was a silent moment. The smile on my face dropped as I realised how close our lips were to touching. His perfectly sculpted nose brushed mine. Reality smacked me across the face hard, with a brick.

We just got to know each other. He's a prince of this land whereby I am nothing but a stranger. What are we doing? This isn't right. It shouldn't happen in the first place. My stay is overdue.

I pulled away and carefully wiggled out of his hold. I didn't fall, that's a good thing. I went to the window, drawing the dusty curtains open. The room was instantly brighter as the sunlight penetrate through the windows. It was so beautiful outside. Woodland creatures played in the trees, birds sang their songs and there were people already out and about.

"It's such a lovely day. It's a waste to spend time in here. Let's go out! Adventure awaits." I turned back, facing the Elven Prince, hands resting on my waist.

"The adventure can be saved for another day. Today we've got to make our journey back."

"Aye, Captain!" It did disappoint me a little but he's in charge here.

"Captain? No more 'princey'?"

"Don't get your hopes too high up, princey. That's going to stick with me for a long, long time."

"You're joking, aren't you?"

"Unfortunately, I'm not. But no worries once I find a way home, there will be no more 'princey' here, there, everywhere."

"That sounds..."


"Absolutely terrible. I've grown accustomed to it."

"Holy shit! Really?"

He chuckled, nodding and the same time. "You're too cute. I'd sit here at talk all day but we need to get going. Change and come down for breakfast."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2017 ⏰

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