Chapter 10

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Legolas' P. O. V.

While I waited for Maeve to be done with her measurements, I had left to scour the markets for some of my favourite traditional Elvish treats. To my delight, I returned back with most of the foods that I wanted Maeve to try. Both Maeve and I haven't had our lunch yet as we took a long nap, and I reckon she'd be complaining about her hunger when she's done.

I idled by the tent watching my father's subjects go by their days, running errands and casually having a friendly conversation while they shopped. There are times when I yearn for a life which I can do whatever I please without disgracing the name of the royal family, court whoever I want and not get tangled up in a mess of politics.

I let myself fall into the fantasy of living a simple life far too many times that I forget the hardships and burdens a commoner carries every day and night. One can never be truly happy no matter how rich or poor one is.

"Excuse me, milord?" said a small voice belonging to a child, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked down catching the youthful, big, amber orbs of the little girl. She wore a simple copper-colored dress with the sleeves rolled up neatly to her elbow.

"Would you spare a moment to look at these beautifully hand-crafted necklaces?" the little girl asked, presenting a tray of gemstone necklaces all lined up neatly in rows.

I squat down to get a better look at the jewellery. Gemstones of various colours, shapes, and sizes hung by individual silver chains. There were some bracelets too. Judging by the inscriptions and patterns engraved into the gems, these pendants seem to have their own 'special ability' which added a whole new uniqueness to the accessories.

"Aye, you're not mistaken, they are a sight for sore eyes, little one," I replied.

"Would you fancy purchasing one for your girlfriend – I mean lady friend, the lovely maiden who walked into Madam Airla's tent. One of these pretty necklaces made by my nana would look splendid on her." Hope leapt and shimmered in the little girl's eyes.

"Which of these many necklaces would you recommend me to get for my lady?"

"I think your lady would adore the gorgeous white or silver gemstones; it goes with everything. And in my opinion, I find the white gem the most gorgeous and eye-catching stone out of all of the others, milord," the girl chirped in excitement.

I lifted up a necklace with a small, dazzling, oval-shaped white topaz pendant hanging onto to it. Astald, meaning valiant, was carved into the stone. I held it up, reminiscing the dangerous performance Maeve had put on in exchange for her life. The act she put on was very courageous. Ensnared by the beauty and meaning of the gem, I said, "I'll take this.

The little girl danced in joy. "Really?!" she asked out of genuine optimism.

"Yes." A smile spread across my face. I placed the elegant accessory in my pouch, which was hanging by my belt, and pulled out a bag of coins. "How much, miss?"

She held up two fingers, "2 silvers, milord."

I picked out 2 gold coins and coolly handed it to the girl. Her jaw dropped to the ground as she gawked at the precious metals sitting in her palm.

"Silvers, milord, not gold."

"I know that. Keep the change and spend it wisely, little one."

"Bu–but it's too much!"

"It's a gift from the Crown Prince to you and your family. Now, run along, you don't want to keep your parents waiting, now do you?"

"Really?!" she gasped earning a nod from me. Without putting the tray down, she wrapped an arm around my neck. "Thank you, Your Highness!"

Wonderland [LOTR/Harry Potter]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon