Chapter 4

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Playlist : Why - Andra 😍

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"I did not come here by choice, your Highness," I hissed. "I did not ask to be involved in this fandango, whatsoever."

"Fandango?" he asked, mystified.

Recalling that I was in a different world, in a completely different era, I thought of a few synonyms. "Um... trick? Tomfoolery? Something along those lines. Any who, I swear I don't know how I got here in the first place. All I remember is being chased down by a foul creature in the middle of the forest in my homeland. Then, it injured me and I fell... and passed out. Next thing I knew was that I was that I woke up in a different place. The energy Mirkwood's forest gave out was very dark which is very strange from what I'm used to feeling back home."

"So you're telling me that you don't know how you got here."

I nodded. He stared blankly at me, arms crossed.

He sighed, "Without the knowledge of how you got here, getting you home is almost near impossible. One does not get from one place to another just like that," -- he snapped his snapped his fingers -- "Unless, magic is involved."

I thought about it. Theoretically speaking, I could have fell and teleported here considering the fact that I have mastered the art of Apparition. But everything has a limit.   No one, no one, has ever appariate to a different world.

One can go back in time with a Time Turner. Unfortunately, to both turn time and travel to a different world is very very impossible. To be able to do both, you have to be damn powerful, more powerful than Voldemort and Dumbledore combined. And to perform a spell like that you'd have to be willing to give up anything the magic is asking for.

"Magic like that comes with a terrible price," I said. A chill ran down my spine. "You have to be very powerful and damn heartless to perform a spell like that."

"You sure know a lot about magic..."

"Oh, I'm a witch. Not the stereotypical evil witches though. Which reminds me, did the person who changed my clothes found a wand? It's a stick with an intricate handle. It's about 12 inches long."

He walked to the vanity table and picked up an object wrapped on silky looking cloth. He unraveled the cloth. "You mean this thing?"  He held the wand by the handle.


He handed the wand to me before proceeding to pull the chair from the vanity table and sat beside me.

"Can you show me a spell?" he asked. Interest gleamed in his beautiful blue eyes. I nodded. I set my eye on a silver hairbrush laying on the vanity table.

I pointed my wand at the hairbrush. "Accio hairbrush." The silver hairbrush rose from it's table and flew towards me. I caught the hairbrush before it could hit me in the nose --- it has happened and it's not a pretty sight.

I looked over to the prince who looked rather impressed. He looked at me at back that the hairbrush. "That talent, milady, will keep you alive for a very long time," he said.

"You don't have witches here?"

"No one knows. Maybe witches exist amongst us, maybe they don't. We have wizards though."

"I hope they exist. If they do they'd probably be roaming freely on your lands but at the same time is hiding their powers from people to avoid being used or accused for mundane crimes. If they do, just maybe they'd be able to help me find a way home."

He raised an eyebrow. "And how do you know that?"

"Folklore about witches from where I come from are disgustingly brutal and painful to listen to. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same for this world."

"You're lucky then, many folklores about witches here are not vile but they are stories of good and noble. You don't have to worry of being hunted down," he said with a smile. "Besides, after seeing what you're capable of, there's no doubt my father would give you royal protection. Your gift is a rare treasure. And a dragon will want to keep his treasure protected. If you're willing to stay, of course, until you find a way home."

"I have nowhere else to go... I'm willing to stay. I'll do anything in return."

"I'll see what I negotiation I can cook up with my father. I can assure you he'd definitely like to see what you can do first then decide on what to do."

"Thank you..." I said with a appreciative smile.

Prince Legolas and I talked until the the sun set. We talked about many things and derailed from the main subject too many times. We'd be talking about wands for one moment and the next we'd be talking about potato salad.

There were rare moments when we locked eyes and stayed silent for a minute or two, then one of us would break the awkwardness and get along with more questions. I found meyself not wanting him to leave. It was fun talking to him. It kind of felt like we're old kindergarten friends catching up with each others lives.

Moreover, I don't fancy the eerie silence in my room. It's creepy. At least with another person here, it doesn't feel so tense and haunting. Even the presence of the maids, who come and go, makes this whole situation less scary.

The maids brought food, clothes and helped me get to the toilet. One of them even offered to help me get changed after I got stuck trying to put on the underdress. They also brought me books, parchments and writing tools to entertain myself when I don't have company. Legolas probably ordered that but as long as I have something to do, I won't turn insane.

Talking about Prince Legolas, I found myself missing him quite a lot. His company is rather enjoyable. And out of all honesty, he is so attractive and and cute and fun but serious and dangerous at the same time. He is a sight for sore eyes.

A/N :

The moment you realised you've been writing the wrong chapter... *face palms* It's probably because it's 3 am and I'm still awake. If there are any grammatical errors, you know why.






- alex_is_writing

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