Chapter 9

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**republished. For some reason out of 1800 words I typed out only 10 were published in the previous version. This is not the first time it has happened and DAYUM it's annoying.

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I held on firm and stubborn to my blanket tighter, resisting the annoying, rushed tug. I had passed out after taking a quick dip; I have utter exhaustion to blame for that minor crime. Other than that, I also woke up at 5 bloody 15 am today, so I was sleep deprived. Though the exercises carried out were rather mild, I felt tired because I don't frequently do such exercises. Out of pure honesty, the only exercises I do almost every day is Quidditch and running from one class to another.

The person pulled the blanket again, this time successfully ripping it from my grasps. I buried my face into the feather-like pillows, groaning in hopes that whoever ripped the cozy blanket off me would go away and let me sleep in peace till the very next day.

"Get up! You had 2 hours of nap already. Need I remind you that we're supposed to be in the markets now buying your clothes?! Do you plan to wear my clothes from when I was a youth for the rest of the time you're here?" Legolas grumbled.

"5 more minutes..." I mumbled into the pillow.

"Maeve, 5 more minutes and I might just drag you out of bed myself and put you on a horse unconscious."

"Noooo!" I whined.

"Then get up. I gave you two hours to rest."


I forced myself up and out of bed, a pout glued to my face. That being said, still half asleep and a little lightheaded, I stumbled into Legolas. He caught me; his actions were swift yet gentle. "Sorry, sorry. My bad," I apologized.

"It's fine," he started, "Go wash your face and brush your hair. I'll be waiting."

I pushed myself off him and shuffled into the bathroom. I submerged a small towel into the cold water and quickly wipe my face, ignoring the biting chill against my skin. I didn't want to waste time changing into another attire as this pair of dark gray hooded tunic and pants looked presentable despite the pants being slightly baggy on me.

I untangled my hair with the brush then putting it up in a simple braid that kept my hair out of my face, securing the end with a strip of leather. I have yet to master the art of braiding my hair without the assistance of bobby pins and elastic hair ties. I walked out of the bathroom looking fresh and slipped on the oversized light weight boots.

"I'm ready to go, princey."

"It's about time."

I kissed my cat, telling her I'd be back in a few hours and to behave whilst I was not present to monitor her.

"Why didn't you rouse me from my nap earlier?" I asked out of curiosity.

"At first I didn't want to disturb you as you looked very serene so I let you sleep for a bit, which lead me to dozing off for an hour watching you cuddle with the blanket. After I woke up, I tried to wake up but you wouldn't budge, you remained dead asleep."

"Why were you watching me sleep?"

"When I arrived to check if you were ready, I saw you tangled in the sheets on the floor. I assumed you were so exhausted that you rolled off the bed not knowingly. I carried you back up onto the bed and watched over you so you didn't fall off the bed again."

"Aww... that's so kind of you to do that," I cooed. "Thank you. Whoever marries you is fortunate."

"You're welcome," he smiled.

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