Chapter 5

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Feel free to add songs to the playlist. Your song might inspire the next or following chapters. Exploring music is fun and we can all bond over music (:


Playlist : Back for You - One Direction

The 1D phase is coming back very very slowly..

* * * *
4 days. That's all it took for me to learn up quite a bit about Middle-Earth, particularly the strange and dangerous but oddly beautiful Mirkwood. I've also made some friends; Legolas being one of them, as well as the maids who come to help me or bring me food. They'd tell me stories of the lands, legends, their history, and the many wonders of this world - the good and bad alike. 

Only Legolas fired me with questions about my life on Earth. He also claimed that my magic was different from the magic they had here. Over the span of 4 long days, we became friends and talking to him doesn't feel awkward anymore. In fact, I've been looking forward to his frequent visits. Talking to him is entertaining. I'm surprised he isn't sick of me yet because I ask a lot of questions and I'm quite a boring person

He looks like he is always aware and ready to pull out his weapon at the first signs or threat, and he also has this scary, serious look on his face but in reality, he is actually quite fun and relaxed, almost like a normal teen. He is also very gentlemanly which ,to me, makes him more attractive than he already is.

Though I enjoy his company, I feel bad for taking time away from his royal duties. Speaking of the elf Prince, he had just waltzed into my room through the wide-open door. A maid who had just been here to clear my breakfast tray closed the door behind.

"What brings you here so early in the morning, Your Highness?" I greeted.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you don't have to be formal with me when nobody else is around?" he said, annoyance coating his words. He huffed and folded his arms across his chest playfully.

I giggled. "Well, Legolas, what brings you here so early in the morning? And how is it that I am more important than your other royal duties?"

"You are my royal duty, Lady Maeve. Is my company becoming too boring for you?"

"First of all, when you stop with the formalities, I'll stop."

"Fair game."

"Secondly, no, I'm not bored of your company and possibly never will be because you're an interesting guy."

"I the same. You're so different from other girls. And I like a little different in my life."

I smiled. As I felt a blush creep up onto my face, I looked away.

"Ngawww... You're so sweet," I mumbled.

I saw from the corner of my eye, a small smile creeping onto his handsome face. There was silence between the two of us for a moment. Not wanting the awkward silence to drag on, I spoke up.

"But really, I'm actually quite a boring person once you get to know me better. My life isn't really that exciting, it's pretty bland."

"At least you're not royal. Politics are a pain in the arse."

"Trust me, back in my home, politics there are equally as complicated as politics here. To be honest, I quite like it here. I feel like I will like it more when I explore Mirkwood."

"The pretty, peaceful parts at least. You really don't want to see the ugly parts."

"I want to see both regardless of the risk. I like taking risks. Besides, you found me helpless in the middle of, what I assume, the ugly parts of Mirkwood. I'd like to see more of it, debunk its secrets."

"Don't have too much faith, though. I'm afraid what you'll see and hear will haunt you for the rest of your stay."

"I won't be here for long anyway."

His smile dropped, replaced by a look in which sorrow and pity was washed across his face. "We searched," he started. "We searched high and low and found nothing that would tell us how you got here, Maeve. I don't know why else I can do to help you but all I can tell you now is that it's better if you let time run its course." 

I frowned. "Umm... okay but I'm not giving up searching for a way home. Despite the fact that we've known each other for only 4 days, I trust you. You've kept me alive so far and you've been a really good friend to me."

"That's very sweet of you but I don't think I can keep you alive for any longer once you step out of this bedroom. It all depends on what you say and what you can show."


"My dad," he sighed, "I told him about your heritage and he didn't take it too well."

"Oh? Would he like to see a trick or two?"

"He's a man with high standards. You'll need impress him in order for you to give him a reason to let you live. If he finds that you are unworthy, he'll have you executed."

"He sounds great. Let's go see him."

"You're not getting out of this bed until Lady Athilda confirms that you're able to get out of bed."

"She came last evening, when you were on your usual patrol, to remove the bandages. The wound has become a scar and I can most definately walk." 

I kicked the covers off. Using the bed post as my support, I got on my feet. My leg muscles were a little weak from lack of use and we're a little wobbly as I made my way to the Prince and back to my bed.

I sighed in relief. At least I didn't fall flat on my face. "You see, all well!"

"The funny thing is most people are terrified of having an audience with the king especially when they're caught trespassing. And then, there's you."

"I like to try my luck and challenge my courage."

"Just so you know, my father isn't anything like me so don't expect him to be all rainbows and butterflies with you. He is as cold as ice. He doesn't care if you're a woman or a man, not satisfied, he'll have you tortured to death!"

"Legolas, I'll be fine."

"That's what they all say before an arrow is planted in their chest!"

"Fine, if you're so worried then tell me what to say and what not to say ; what to do and what not to do."

He began to list out the do's and don't's. He was genuinely worried about my well being and I find that so cute. Who wouldn't?

"Lastly, don't mention anything about coming from a different world. Okay?"

"I got it."

"I'll inform my father of your recovery now. In the meantime, clean yourself and get dressed into something more presentable. I'll get the maids as well."

"Whatever you say, princey."


"Yeah, princey. It's a cute nickname."

He chuckled, "Let's keep this between us, alright?."

"Yes, sir!"


So Empire of Storms happened which explains the lack of writing and the prolonged updating 😅😅 And Checkpoint Trials... Let's just say I screwed up big time but it's just trials right which is also my finals marks. Not a big deal right? *cries in the corner of the room*






- alex_is_writing

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