19 | "Because I care."

Start from the beginning

"Please.", Perrie whispered. Jade's gaze swung over to Perrie and you could clearly see that Perrie was frightened. She was scared because she didn't know how the others would react. Hell, she didn't even know what Jade was thinking or how she was feeling.

"Okay.", Jade gave in. She hated that, but it was the only way for her to get Perrie to talk.

"Thank you."

"Now how about you explain this,-", Jade touched Perrie's hair, "And this, -" Jade looked around the place, "All of it."

"How long are you staying here?", Perrie asked curiously.

Jade bit her bottom lip, "'Till Monday, why?"

"Let's meet up at my house and then I'll tell you everything, okay?"

"I don't even know where you live.", Jade sighed.

Perrie stood up, "I'll text you."

"You still got my number?", Jade asked and kinked her left eyebrow.

Perrie smiled shyly, "Uh.. Yeah."

Perrie started to walk back into the stadium until she turned around again and asked, "How come you're being so familiar with me? We aren't even friends, aren't we?"

"I remember.", Jade simply stated.

Perrie's eyes widened in surprise for a second, "See you tomorrow, Jade-y.", Perrie said and went back into the stadium. Jade took a deep breath and waited five minutes before she went into the stadium again.


"Jade?! What the hell happened?!", a clearly worried Leigh-Anne asked the moment Jade came back. Jade was still too overwhelmed by the whole situation. She knew she couldn't say anything until she and Perrie would talk, - And she also didn't know what kind of excuse she was supposed to come up with to get to Perrie tomorrow.

Jade touched her forehead, "Nothing. I'm sorry, I thought it was her. I was wrong. Let's move on now.", she said and went to her handbag.

"You okay?", Zayn asked gently. Jade simply nodded and went into her dressing room. Yes, they got her, her own dressing room. 

"Okay, what was that?", Leigh asked.

Zayn sighed, "What do you think? She thought that after a year, she finally found the love of her life again. It's hard to be faced with the truth. Perrie's dead and she's not coming back, maybe Jade realized that now, too." He went after his cousin. He wanted to be there for her now. Zayn hasn't been there for her in a very long time, and even though it didn't make up for the long time he was gone, he wanted to be there for her. Knowing that the love of your life disappeared is hard, but realizing she's dead for good, that must be heartbreaking.


One Day After:

The next day was.. weird. At least for Perrie. She and Christian haven't talked since yesterday and it didn't look like they were going to do that anytime soon. He distanced himself. Christian knew something was off and he got mad when she didn't want to tell him what it was. 

Right now, Perrie was at work. She was going to meet up with Jade today and she really hoped everything would turn out fine. After Jade told her the day before that she 'remembered', Perrie had high hopes. Though, no one knew what was going to happen.

Jade was lucky. Zayn and the girls needed to go home early because of recording sessions, photoshootings and other stuff, which meant, Jade didn't need to come up with an excuse to see Perrie. Jade just told Leigh and the others that she'd like to stay until Monday like planned to go and see some more things. The girls and Zayn were fine with that, though, Zayn needed to double check if it was alright for him to leave, but Jade told him it was alright.

"What's up with you and Christian?", Maria asked and pointed at the table where Christian and his friends were sitting. He and Perrie ignored each other completely.

Perrie sighed, "Nothing. Anyways, can you take that table? I need to text someone real quick."

"Sure.", Maria sighed. Maria knew that something was off, too. After the little scenario a few days ago and the tension between Perrie and Christian, it was too obvious.

"My Adress! Pittsburger Weg 344 in Schulzendorf :) XO, Perrie. Ps: I hope we can finally sort everything out :( I owe you a lot!"

Perrie took her phone back into her pocket and kept on working. She tried to ignore Christian as good as she could, but it kinda hurt her that he didn't seem to care at all. He didn't even look at her. But the thought of Jade put a smile on her face immediately. Let's just hope everything finally turns out perfect.



Gosh, finally! I really wanted to put it up today and I'm so glad I did it. I love the chapter and the next few are going to be a lot of Jerrie. Trust me, I'm slowly moving to their happy ending, but it's a long road. It's worth it though, right? Hahahah :D I'm kidding. But I still hope you enjoy this book so much (and the book series overall). I've been working hard on them :)  

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