chapter 20. David POV

Start from the beginning

"this is a little place I like to come every now and the to clear my head."


I headed down path and she followed. We finally made it the beach over looking the ocean. We walked down to the edge of the water and just watched as the sail boats coasted by. Out of the corner of my eye I seen something fly into the air and splash back down.

"hey look over there." I pointed to where I saw it.

she looked and her face lit up,"was that just a dolphin?" she asked

"ya, cool huh?"

"ya, I never seen that.

Now this place was perfect. I decided to make my move and I causally placed my arm around her waist.I waited for her to move it or move away, but she didn't and I was relived I didn't just make a ass out of myself.

"It's the best part of this place, well was the best part." I mumbled the last part mentally kicking myself for saying that.

"Was the best part?'" She asked with her eyebrows raised in curiosity.

I turned so that we where looking at each other and told her."ya it was, till I meet you."

She smiled, a full smile, I haven't seen very many of those but when I did it made me happy.

"are you real?" She asked me. Not quite the response I had expected,

"Ya, I'm pretty sure I'm real."

She just looked at me and we both busted in to a fit of laughter. I fell back to the sand and pulled her with me. She didn't resist or pull away so this was a very good sign to me.We laid there staring into the sky, well she was I was more staring at her but hey who's paying attention.She turned her head and looked at me. "what?" she asked.

"nothing, just looking at you is all." We both turn up to look back at the sky when two white dove flew by us. My father and mother told me that when people get married they some time release two pure white dove and any couple to see them is deemed to be together forever. It means love. I don't know if its true but hey I am not complain if I do get to spend the rest of my life with her.

"They are absolutely beautiful creatures." she said bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Just like you." I said as i brushed her cheek.Man I just wanted to kiss her so bad. Just when I was about to go for it something fell on us. April grabbed it and held it up and there in front of us was a black and white rose with something attached. April moved it so that we could see what it said.

"Soon April."~reaper~

Before I knew it April was on her feet and tears where getting ready to flood her eyes. She looked horrified, like she saw a ghost.

"can you take me home please?" She asked shakily.

"April whats wrong?" I asked

"David,there is a lot I didn't tell you last night that maybe I should have."

I stood up and took her into a hug and she buried her face to my chest as she cried.

"April, I'm here when you wanna tell me, I'm not going any where." I comforted her. I just cant understand who or what is made her upset but I will find out and I sure as hell wont let anyone harm her. I'm not walking a way from her, a day without her in my life is like a day with no water for a fish, life threatening. I took her face in my hands, she needs to know how i feel.

"April, I like you a lot, more then just a friend,I would like to be more then just friends." I told her as I placed a gentle kiss on her perfect lips.

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