I'm Back

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Hey guys! I know I've been away for longer than even I wished, and I'm sorry. It's been a weird, hectic past four months, but I think I'm finally feeling good enough to start posting again! I'll be posting a brand new one shot
tomorrow. I promise. Before I leave this, I want to tell you guys some things about me, as I've been away for so long. Firstly, my name isn't Anne, my name is Chloe, but I've never liked it so that's why I chose a pen name. I don't care what you guys call me, though! I'm in eighth grade, which might seem surprising to some. I have brown hair, green eyes, and am pretty short. Also, I'm in the process of developing a real story. It's about this girl who's gay and she grows up with very conservative parents. Her dad sends her to a gay conversion camp, and some pretty bad things happen, but it pretty much goes along with her trying to accept who she is. Tell me if you guys would like to read it! I think I'm gonna leave off here, but remember a new oneshot is coming tomorrow!

Missed you

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