The Party From a Year Ago~12

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A/N: I feel like I haven't updated in forever. Sorry guys! Thank you all for 400+ reads!

This is fucking awful. One house filled with drunk people, couples basically having sex in front of everyone, and the smell of puke roaming through the house. Yeah, I bet you've guessed where I am: A party hosted by a teenager.

So, here I was, awkwardly standing in a corner of the living room of God knows who's house. See, I didn't want to come. Piper, my best friend, forced me to. Probably so that if she got embarrassed by the guy she's crushing on she would have someone to support her. But I haven't seen her since we got here, so I'm guessing that she and that guy are sucking face in one of the bathrooms.

I lightly shake the red plastic cup I'm holding, making whatever liquid-probably alcohol-move. Bad pop music is blaring in the background. Most people aren't talking, just dancing or something. Probably because of how loud the music is.

A guy with black hair and green eyes walks up beside me. He doesn't say anything to me though. I am so confused.

"Um... Hi?" I greet, making him look to the left at me.

"Oh, hey." He says, taking a sip of his drink. Oh god, he better not be another drunk guy who will try to hook up with me.

"Can you not find your friends or something?" I ask the boy.

"Um, no. You just seemed bored and lonely over here. Thought you wanted company." He explains, we have to speak pretty close to each other's ears for the other to hear what we're saying.

"I'm just waiting for my friend."

"Okay. You know, she might not leave tonight. Maybe in the morning. Maybe at like 3 a.m. Doubt you want to spend until then here. You don't seem like that type of girl." He says, taking another sip.

"What does that mean? Who even are you? I've never seen you at school."

"I'm Percy. I go to school in another town." He says, avoiding the first question I asked.

"You never answered my other question."

"Calm down. I just think that you seem too smart to go to one of these parties." Percy explains, "Everybody here is a druggie, pervert, or in need of a good time since their life is so boring."

"Which category are you under?"

"None of the above. Guessing you are too. What's your name?"


"Even your name is too pretty and innocent to be at this party." He says, looking straight ahead instead of at me.

"Um... Thanks?"

"Welcome. Who are you waiting for anyway?" He asks, looking at me finally.

"Piper McLean. You might know the guy she's probably with; Jason Grace?"

"Oh, yeah. I know him, kind of."

"Do you have any idea where he might be? Because, well, you're right, I don't want to stay here any longer." I admit, swirling my drink around in its cup again.

Percy laughs. "Well, most guys want to make out in either the bathroom or a closet." He pauses for a moment. "Unless him and the girl he's kissing literally give zero fucks about what people think of them. Then they would just make out in the center of the living room."

I laugh. "Which one would Jason be?"

"The first one."

"Good to know. Well, c'mon, let's go find him and possibly Piper." I say, setting my cup down on a shelf next to me. Not like I was going to drink it anyway.

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