Chapter 2

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 Theres no way. Peter Pan was these stories i had only heard from my grandpa when he was alive. He wasn't real was he?

he takes his hand off my mouth and i go to talk and he places it back on really fast. "Dont talk okay?" i shake my head as to say okay. He stands up and walks over to the ledge of the window. "You dont believe me do you?" i shake my head no. 

"Most people dont. but ill prove it to you." He jumps.

"NO." i say running over to the ledge and looking.

no ones there. where did the mysterious young man go? "Aha. told you" i turn to my left and see him floating in mid air over the road below. "Hey do you have any food?" he asked flying into the house so fast i cant even place whats going on.

"Excuse me" i say walking toward him. "you cant just walk into someones house with them not having any idea who you are, and expect to get food" He looked puzzled for a few seconds, "No. im sorry let me interduce myself"

He walks toward me. i can now see that he had dark brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. He is probably about 6Ft. tall and has a masculine figure like he works out a lot. he didnt look like the Peter Pan i had always pictured, but in a way this seemed more real. He wore a brown shirt that fit to him in all the right places and a pair of regular jeans. "um, i have a question" i ask before he can speak. "Why are you wearing jeans? Isn't Peter Pan supposed to wear green clothes and pointy shoes?"

He snorts. "Of course you thought that. Everyone does. but.... im just a normal guy. besides the obvious." thats when he starts flying again. i laugh alittle bit. "So since i already know your Wendy and you know im Peter, then we can be friends. right?"

"Uhhh, sure. even though im almost 100% sure im dreaming." He laughs at that.

i cant make myself believe that this is all real. it seems so fairy tale and fake. Like Disney had made too many bad movies about Peter Pan for me believe that this could be real. He seemed so shiny and fake. I started to walk toward him again. i stopped when we were about 6 inches apart. i reach out to touch him, but before i do he grabs my hand. "No. You have to believe im real before we fall in love"

i laugh "Oh yeah. me and Peter Pan in love. i can so see that" i say it with so much sarcasm it hurts. he snorts "you see. you already like me and ive been here for ten minutes. Think of what i could do with a few hours" he wiggles his eyebrows.

This is the point where i start looking around for MTV'S pranked crew. i walk to each window and look out and each corner of the room. No one. "May i ask. what are you doing?"

"Eh. nothing." I walk to stand in front of him. "So IF you are the real Peter Pan... where is Tink?" He looks a little shocked and i start to think this is fake. "Shes still in Neverland. I dont let her come with me after what happened a few years back." Now it was my turn to look shocked. I couldnt take all of this in. He couldnt be real. And im just dreaming or something. "Your not. Dreaming that is. Im very real. in fact im more real than you. i can do things no one else can. i can make things happen that no one else can. I'm like a super hero."

I sit down on my bed. "Why did you come see me then. I'm nothing special. Just plain Wendy" He sits next to me. "But hun you're more than just 'Wendy'. I've been looking for you for years. So you've got to be something special." No i wasn't. I was a normal 16 year old girl who is just having a weird dream or something. "Wendy. Do you remember when you where a kid and your Grand pap told you that if you ever needed to talk to someone just talk to Peter Pan?" i do remember that. i shake my head yes. "Well i remember all the nights you would talk to me about school and what happened that day. and i remember all the nights you cried over your dad saying you couldnt tell stories anymore. So i have to be real to know all of that."

What was weird in all of this? i do remember. i remember everything like it was yesterday. i would sit down at night and dream of Neverland and Peter Pan. When my dad would hit and push me around when he was drunk for telling these stories. i would always have one person Peter Pan. "Okay. I believe you"

He jumps up and does a few laps around the room. flying that is. and screaming "FIANLLY" i laugh. Then i remember my mom. I jump up and grab his foot as he is passing by. I cant seem to pull him down though. He flies out the window. I start to scream "PEETTTERRR NOOOO. STOP IM SCARED" He of course just laughs at this. i scream again and so he reaches down and grabs my hand. Im pulled up level with him in a flash. "hold onto my back" what? "No." i say bluntly. "Fine then i'll drop you"

I scowl at his remark. "No you won't" Then he does the unexpected and drops me. "HELP HELP. PEETER. I'LL HOLD ONTO YOU! HELP" he catches me before i hit what seem to be a steeple of a church. "Listen to me next time" i mock him in a really girly voice. "Hey now. I'll drop you again"

That shut me up really fast. i just held on to his back as he flew through the town. I couldnt help but admire how he looked up close. He looked so beautiful that he seemed fake to me. Like something you only read about in books. He smirked so i know he cought me looking. "Where are you taking me?" i asked to cover up my blush. "I don't really know. Just anywhere."

About 10 minutes later he lands on a rooftop in what seems to be the downtown. He sits me down and then sits beside me. It has to be atlest 3 in the morning now. "Why did you bring me here?" He smiles. "I can't believe you don't remember. I'm confused by this statement. "What?"

"When you where about 9 years old your dad took you to that store over there so he could take care of bussiness. You saw a balloon stand and really wanted one." he pointed to where the stand was. "He told you no. so then a little boy around your age came and gave you one. Well that little boy was... me." he said turning alittle red of embarrassment. "Really?" i asked. i do remember that day but why was it so important to him? "Why do you remember that day so much? it was nice but nothing special. Just a balloonl." He laughs."This is going to sound so lame ,but... that was the day i decided i was going to bring you to Neverland with me. and me and you could live forever together there"

im shocked at first by his words, that means he wants me to go with him. back to Neverland. What will i ever say? I cant just leave my brothers here. My friends and family. Then i start to think. i really only have one friend. and my family doesn't care. What would i have to loose? "So what are you saying?" i finally asked.

"Im asking you to come to Neverland with me"

AUTHORS NOTE: hehe. Im going to go see my pet Unicorn now.  Picture of Peter on the side. aka Josh Hutcherson

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