"Sounds good" he whispered walking over to me as I fried bacon while cracking the eggs. His arms wrapped around my waist holding us against each other. He kissed my cheek making me giggle shaking my head. So much for being mostly sex with Harry. He spent most of the time doing things like this than trying to fuck, and I did love that. I mean we did have a lot of sex but, I did feel more than just a vagina for him to have.

"Does Demi like omelets?" "Mhmm" he whispered kissing my neck as I laughed swaying in his hold. I bit my lip trying to control myself over this hot stove but, his lips... It's too early for this.

"I'm pretty sure this is dangerous" "Only if you get distracted" he laughed kissing my neck again and I sighed closing my eyes. "How am I not supposed get distracted when you're... touching me" I breathed out making him laugh continuing.

"That shouldn't be distracting...but this should" he whispered making me freeze up dropping the fork on the counter next to the stove as his hands went under my robe touching my core gently. I pushed us as far as I could away from the stove. He obviously didn't care about the fire in front of us now that his mind was... elsewhere.

"Harry" I growled out and he instantly pulled away laughing. "I'll go wake her up" he whispered walking out the kitchen as I sighed continuing to fix breakfast. By the time he came back down I had finished one omelet and was starting the next.

"She's up?" He nodded smiling going to the cup cabinet taking a thermal out. "Yeah but, she has to hurry out. Client is having a moment" he stated and that kind of downed my mood. Was hoping we could have breakfast together but, when work calls, you got to go. Maybe we can try for dinner or something I guess.

I had to relax a bit too, I was acting a little clingy. I loved being around her but, at least I had Harry here.

"Wrap this one up for her" He nodded filling the thermal up with coffee then hurried over wrapping it. Once I got the second one on the plate, she was flying down the step in a hurry and I could help but laugh. She was determined and ready for whatever the client was complaining about.

I couldn't help but look her over. I absolutely loved her style. I would call it Bad ass / Fashionista. I don't know just having that bad kind of look turned me on. I couldn't resist. Dark blue tight jeans with a graphic tee, leather jacket and black heeled ankle boots. She was sexy and she was mine. Kinda.

Harry passed her the thermal and breakfast making her smile. "As much as I would love to enjoy this and look at both of your faces, I have to run. My client is having a crisis right now" she kissed Harry then smiled rushing to me.

"I'm so sorry I can't stay but, I do appreciate the breakfast baby. Let me make it up. Lunch or Dinner?" I smiled feeling happy she was even trying to make up to me. "We'll try for dinner but, if you can't make or something-" "Don't worry I will. I'll be doing the cooking too" She smiled pressing her lips to mine gently.

"I'll see you later?" she asked and I nodded smiling before she pressed her lips to mine again then headed out. I looked over to Harry smirking and leaning on the counter. "Guess it's just us this morning?" I whispered and I couldn't help but, smiled at his cheeky grin as he just watched me.

"Like it's a bad thing"


"I think that was one of the best omelets i've ever had" Harry said smiling as I finished my orange juice. I swallowed looking at him "Thank you" He nodded taking a sip of his coffee watching me. "How's your family? Haven't heard anything about them in a while" he stated taking me by surprise. Never really asked about them and I didn't really talk about them either but, I guess this would be the topic of discussion this morning.

Yours, Mine and Ours (H.S. / Interracial)Where stories live. Discover now