"Mark how long are you going to deny it and deprive yourself. Look at
me Mark." He looked up from cutting his apple. "Your parents want you
to be happy."

"My parents want to be proud of me." He told me, sounding more like he's trying to convince himself then me.

"Your parents want you to be happy." I insisted trying to drill it in his brain.

"You don't know anything Vince. Besides you're one to talk. You like
Hunter but you're not dating him. How does that make you any different
from what you're claiming I am?" He shouted, abandoning his apple and
pointing his knife at me.

"Hunter knows how I feel about him and at least I'm not denying who I
am. If I want to be with a girl I'll be with a girl and if I want to
be with a boy I'll be with a boy but I'm not going to pretend."

"Hey bro, maybe you should check that out." Ryan said, sitting next to
Mark and pointing at Alex's table.

"Don't bother Ryan it's no use, he's not going to admit that it affects him. Let him live in denial and regret for the rest of his life.

Mark threw his knife on his tray and got up. "You guys don't know
anything. I don't care who Alex dates and the sooner you guys realize
that the better." With that he left the cafeteria and I shook my head.

"He's so stubborn." I told Ryan taking a bite from my sandwich.

"He needs time, he'll come around." He said as he dug into his own meal.

"Hey Vince." Brian said as he put his tray of food down and sat next
to me wrapping his arm around me.

"Hey my dear." I replied. I gave him a long kiss and it felt so good.

"My parents are not going to be home this weekend. They're going tomorrow and they'll only be back on monday so I have the whole house
to myself." He leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Maybe we could make the most out of an empty house if you know what I mean." I looked at him
and he lifted his eyebrows suggestively with a mischievous smile.

"Are you serious?" I asked him in slight shock.

"Yeah I'm serious?" He replied excitedly.

"This is not one of your sexual innuendos right? You do mean what I
think you mean. You want me to make you scream so the neighbors hear?"
Does he finally want to let down the wall he's built between my hands
and his body?

"Even louder." My eyes went super wide when he said that. Okay
seriously who did Brian go to for advice on how to keep me happy,
because that person definitely knows I love empty houses.

"What did you eat for breakfast that got you unable to resist my irresistible body?" I asked and ate another mouth full. Tyson and Grayson had joined our table and they started talking to Ryan about our upcoming game.

"It's not just about your body or sleeping with you Vince, I want to
spend time with you and get close to you. I feel like we're drifting apart. I mean we're together for so long and we haven't even been on a date." He said and I almost choked on my food.

"Date? You mean fancy clothes and formal hello's and candles and
arguments on who pays the bill? No way. Sorry Brian I just don't do
dates. We are not going to go on dates." I told him assertively.

"Vincent stop being such a prick." Brian whined.

"You called me a prick?" What's wrong with him.

"I want your prick." He said using an apologetic and flirtatious tone.

"Oh you do." I pulled him close loosing my anger and kissing him all
over. "It's so much better then all those hours wasted in stupid dates. Tomorrow is going to be a night we never forget. This weekend is for you and me baby. Get ready to be blown away."

Holding Onto You (boyxboy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें