Chapter 27: Bonding and Separation

Comenzar desde el principio

Much to my surprise, not much happened after that. Once Takumi and I were done eating, we went to the armory, embracing the cold air of the night, as we needed to restock various weapons and such.
After that, we went to the barracks, dropped off what we had bought, and began to head back to the treehouse.

As we were walking back, a gust of frigid wind blew through the Astral Planes, making the already cold night even chillier.
I shivered, as my armor did provide protection from various weapons, yet it wasn't as good with protecting me from the elements. Since the weather at the Northern Fortress was pretty stable, I really had no need for a set of winter clothes, and it wasn't even this cold on the mountain where Sakura and Hinoka were when I first met them.
Takumi, who was by my side, let out a sigh. "You know, I'm going to have to ask Oboro to make you a set of winter clothes."
I was shivering, keeping close to Takumi. "Y-you know you d-don't have to d-do that..."
Takumi sighed. "You're going to be my wife one day, Kai. I'll always do what's best for you," he said before taking off his signature fur coat, leaving himself in a black tank top. Then to my surprise, he draped it over my shoulders.
"A-aren't you going to b-be cold...?" I asked him.
He gently wrapped an arm around my waist as we continued to walk. "Don't worry about me, Kai. I'll be fine."
I was about to speak up in protest, but before I had the chance to do so, I felt something wet land on my nose. I then stopped walking, as did Takumi, and I looked up, and saw that it was snowing.
I then looked at Takumi, and I drew him in for a kiss as the fluffy white snow landed around us in silence.


The next morning we were all back in Valla, continuing our way to the castle and to King Anankos.
After we had been going for some time, we decided to take a rest, as the past two or three hours had been filled with many hills, which made most of our group tired.
Ryoma was staring at the ground, which wasn't at all like him to do. "Hrm..."
I gave him an odd glance. "Ryoma? Is something wrong?"
He then looked at me. "Oh, hey Kai...I was just thinking about Scarlet. She'd surely do something to dispel this...foul mood...if she was still with us."
I sighed, slightly biting my tongue. "Yeah...I guess you're right..."
Ryoma then suddenly sat up straight. "You know, there's something about her death that's been bothering me."
"What is it?"
"I need to know who killed her."
"Ah, so you're interested in this as well, Prince Ryoma," Gunter said as he walked over to us.
Ryoma nodded. "Indeed."
I looked between the two of them, slightly confused. "Hm? Wasn't it just some random Vallite soldier that killed her?"
"No," Ryoma said, shaking his head. "A spy. Her hidden among our group."
"I-Impossible!" I said with a gasp.
"Think about it," Ryoma said as he closed his eyes. "We were the only ones who jumped off that bridge."
"And yo even said that you were attacked as you were falling," Gunter added on.
I thought for a moment as I stroked Takumi's hair, as he was resting his head in my lap. "...alright...I see what you mean."
"The killer has to be in our group," Ryoma said as he opened his eyes. "I didn't want to say anything until I was certain of it."
"It's fine," I said with a smile.
"However, it is possible that we'll encounter a greater force of resistance from here on," he said as he slightly gripped the hilt of Raijinto. "We may even face Anankos himself soon."
"It would be tragic if someone were to betray us during our final battle," Gunter suddenly added on, which caused me to slightly jump.
I quickly recovered though and Takumi sat up, and wrapped his arm around me as I nodded in agreement to what Gunter had said. "Yeah. But we have no idea who it is..."
Azura then walked over to us. "Hey, Kai, Ryoma, Gunter, and Takumi. I was scouting ahead a bit, and the path, as far as I went, is clear."
Ryoma smiled as he stood us and hugged Azura from behind. "Thanks for doing that."

However, before Azura got the chance to respond, Arete appeared in front of us. "You must leave at once. I won't allow you to get any closer to the castle. Leave, or I will destroy all of you."
I quickly jumped up, as did Takumi. "Arete!" I cried out.
Azura slightly growled, which she rarely ever did. "We won't leave. You must let us pass!"
Arete sighed. "Alright, then. I knew you wouldn't listen, so I brought a friend of yours with me."
I gave her a stern look. "What in the name of the First Dragons do you mean?"
"Not to worry- if you live long enough, you'll understand," she said with a chuckle before teleporting off.
I sighed. "Alright. Here we go, everyone! We have to defeat Arete to move on!"

We were able to fight off Arete's army, but when we saw Scarlet, we knew that she was who Arete was talking about. At first, we were unable to fight her, but we eventually did, and we defeated her.
Arete was lying on the ground in front of us, clearly ready to give in. "Urrgh...Azura..."
Azura slightly gasped. "Did...did she just say my name...?"
"Come closer, Azura" she said with a smile.
Azura tried to go over to her, but Ryoma held her back. " can't be. Y-you remember me...?" she said before she was finally able to break free from Ryoma's grip, and kneeled by her mother's side.
The whole time this was happening, I remained by Takumi's side, not wanting to interfere.
"Soon...soon my body and soul will...disappear...I'll be free from Anankos...oh, my sweet Azura...I finally remember you," Arete said with a few tears in her eyes.
Azura then gently took Arete in her arms. "M-Mother...I'm so sorry..."
Arete smiled as she swept some hair from Azura's face. "'ve grown so much..."
"I-I've missed you..." Azura said as she began to cry.
Arete sighed. "I'm sorry for leaving've been suffering alone for so long..."
"I haven't been alone...I was raised by the Hoshidans," Azura said, "and once this is over, I'll...I'm going to be the queen of Hoshido."
Arete smiled. "I' glad...nrgh...I'm sorry...I'm slipping away...I'm glad I got to see you one final time..."
At that, Arete dissolved into water that evaporated into the air.
Azura broke down into tears, and Ryoma took her in his arms. "'ll be okay, Azura..."
I slightly growled. "Anankos is going to pay for this..."

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